Help me figure out how to attack this repair.

One tip I have for anybody is mig gun in one hand air blow gun in the other. Make your circle for your spot weld and as soon as the cherry is gone I blow air on it, cleans any light scale and cools metal all the way back down so you don't start to collect heat even keeping your spots separated. That's all I've got.
Very interesting I need to try that. I guess it goes without saying that you would not do this if you have an FRL on your compressor as you would not want to contaminate your work surface.
Great Tip!
Stan, bring her on up. No matter what we do, anything will look good after we kill the case of beer in the fridge :eek:ccasion14: haha. I've still got a little fiberglass left over!

I know you'll get her taking car of. The car is in good hands. I take it bittersweet is getting a paint job soon??
Eventually. It's part of the overall plan. Just not soon.

I respect your willingness to take this on Stan. It's way the hell over my capability.

Are you going to try to get some paint mixed up in a spray can to finish it once you are done with the metal work or just primer and wait for the new paint job?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Chris. You saved me a ton of aggravation.



