hey Stan, I understand what your saying,and I agree that 65' was the first year of the C body designation for those cars. But they didn't just appear in 1965. Chrysler has been making three sizes of cars since the beginning. first Chrysler,(1924) Then
Dodge came on board,(1928) then Plymouth. The Chrysler was the widest car, the Dodge was Narrower, and the Plymouth was the narrowest, and shortest. I'm just saying the concept was around long before Chrysler decided to designate them A,B,C. In 1965 Mopar made all C bodies the same track, and created more uniform standards separating the three sizes.but not the same wheel base. I put a perfect match of a 69' Dart Differential in my 47' Plymouth,(moved perch only) And a 69' Roadrunner rear is the same width,approximately as the 41" Dodge I modified. And in 1986 I Installed a 8 3/4 rear from a 71' Chrysler in my 47' Windsor. I am about to Install an 8 3/4 in my 56' Plymouth, and I have to narrow the B body Assy to make it fit, as I don't have another A body housing lying around. But, I will eliminate that lousy pressed axle design.
I'm just trying to give a larger perspective, as I Was driving 40's cars long before I could afford 60's cars. I find There is always another Interesting story of how Mopar cars evolved, much more differently then ford or GM.
Just saying,,