Herb’s auto obsolete


New Member
Dec 14, 2024
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canada quebec
I Just places an order recently on thé website and now the website look pretty sketch when i try to go on it. Does anyone placed a order recently or can tell me more about it..
Do you have a link to their website?

There was Herb's Parts and that was sold to AMS Obsolete. Is that what you are referring to??
I deal with AMS alot good people just takes a bit to get responses on e mail. Call them.
I've dealt with AMS a couple times with no issue. Not cheap, but they have a lot of stuff.
Herb's website certificate expired on Jan 20.

Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for www . herbsparts . com expired on 1/20/2025.

Herb's website certificate expired on Jan 20.

Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for www . herbsparts . com expired on 1/20/2025.

Since Herbs was sold to AMS about 5 years ago, I would expect the website to not be updated.
I have been to their location in Georgia and met the owner. Also, I have ordered from them several times and not had any issues. They are a little higher on their prices, but they do have a lot of inventory. Plus, they have some items that are very hard to find.
Herb's website certificate expired on Jan 20.

Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for www . herbsparts . com expired on 1/20/2025.


I bet they forgot to renew the SSL certificate. It happens a lot with small operations. Obviously, don't give any personal information to a site with a broken cert, but it might come back online in a few days when someone realizes it's down.
The site is back up - their cert has been renewed - for another year. It's funny, I was doing some web searches today for something and I was seeing herb's auto coming up on the first page, seemed odd to me for that to happen if the site had gone stale / defunct if indeed they had merged with someone else a few years ago. Doesn't seem to be the case?

(I use Lets Encrpt for a cert for a site that I manage, I'm too cheap to pay for a digicert that lasts a year. The downside is that the certs only last 90 days so I have to renew more often)