Carsten is a trouble maker. ;)
Hi my friend, Wikipedia is not the United States Government.
As a friendly suggestion, I would hesitate to use Wikipedia as a source to obtain "official" information about facts concerning the United States (or any country for that matter). Wikipedia is a private organization, not a legit government portal. They provide a philanthropic product (it's free!) but you cannot trust it all the time. Unfortunately, this one of those times. It may be the people at Wikipedia might "wish" the official language in the USA were not English.Hi Gary,
I know but it delivers usually some serious information. I was wondering, too when it said there is no law which language has definetly to be used officially. Even though they use english in practice
Can everybody just drop the euro/amero **** talk?
Can everybody just drop the euro/amero **** talk?
what "****" should I stop?
Can't say this goes for Germany. In fact English speaking visitors in general don't have the least interest to talk in the language of the visiting country, it's rather taken for granted everyone understands them, which is not always so.
But never considered an issue over here. Personally I always found it important to know the official language if you were going more than skin deep in a foreign country*s culture.
Don't know how Bob saw this during German stationing, always interested if my observations comply with the other party as well.
Hi Gary,
this is the official government site and it says there is no official language, too: is the U.S. government's official web portal
Every US Soldier has to go to German language classes for 2 weeks when they get in country. That class teaches Soldiers enough to say hello, good day, good night, order food and a beer. It didn't tale long for Soldiers to figure out that the ladies really took interest if you tried to talk to them in German. A lot of my friends married German women. I always had a great time during the 3 tours and 15 years I was stationed there. I had a bunch of German friends that were Soldiers during WWII.
You found out quickly how to steer the ladies to your stamp collection it seems.:laughing4:
WOW!I like keeping a low profile, in fact I "lurk" a lot (surprise) and sometimes come out to make comments on this or that, just to see what's interesting to read. However, this topic has grated on me. I don't like being told by outsiders what the so called "facts" are about the country I was born and live in; a country that has given much opportunity, and in return, I unconditionally love. I cannot sit by quietly and say nothing about something that is wrong. I know that to some this may seem like much to do over nothing but I think it is important for us to believe, recognize and state with assurance that we (citizens of the United States) still speak in the same official tongue the original founding fathers spoke in, some 200 plus years ago...(albeit with more slang words, and less formality, but English nonetheless)...and that YES, it IS for all intents and purposes, official. Lastly, I want to specifically point out that I mean no disrespect and I have NO ill regard towards Carsten whatsoever. In fact my "irritation" is more aimed at the clowns at Wikipedia because they (purposely?) fail to provide the entire story.
Ok, I'm finished.