
Welcome to FCBO, with regards finding a 440 that's not too hard, Craigslist ads have them all the time, its more of a case of being careful to buy a good runner and don't pay too much, there is a big range with what people try to charge for one. i have paid as little as 300 up to 800 for an engine. Plus you will need to get the bigger radiator and change the primary exhaust pipes too. Oh and change the transmission too. Plus the mount plates on the engine block will be different but the rubber isolators will be the saem, depending on what year you get too, the later engines from 72 on i think (can someone confirm?)have totally different mounts.
The fire out of the carb is probably due to bag timing, or ignition. Anbd the smoke is oil or tranny fluid burning off the headers/exhaust manifolds.

Your motor is probably OK. Just needs a carb rebuild, or a new unit, and a good service and tune up. Then drive and enjoy for a while. In the mean time you can do some research and find out what it takes to do a 440 swap into your car.

Ask lots of questions...we were all in your shoes at one time. Getting in there and doing its the best way to learn.
Since I'm doing a engine swap and i don't have my license yet (19) because i keep telling myself i'll go to the dmv next week but never do. Do i need to work on this engine i wont be really driving it until june when i get enough money for everything needed. So it's just going to be sitting there. What kind of transmission are there? Like i said i know very little on mopars compared to tuners. thanks again!
Go to ebay and buy a factory service manual, (FSM), for your car. A parts book is a lot of help also. Did you get the original owners manual ....? You'll need one of them also.

Arm yourself with knowledge. If you can't figure it out yourself then come and ask us.... Thats what we do here.

You need a different trans with a 440 mainly because your 318 trans will not bolt up to a 440. (Mopars 101).
I'll give you a quick run down of what you will need for a 440 engine swap.

-440 engine...complete with intake and carb and exhaust manifolds. Cheapest would be the later 73-78 motors.
-If the later motor you will have to find motor mounts from a 65-71 big block C-body.
-And make sure you have all the corresponding pullies and brackets for Alternator, power steering and AC.
-You will need a 26" radiator and fan shroud.
-Will probably need 440/727 tranny cooler lines as well. Might be able to make the existing lines work with some careful bending and rubber hose additions.
-A big block, long tail shaft, 727 transmission. Might need a different transmission mount too?
-Your drive shaft might need to be shortened./..or lengthened. Unless you can find a good used one from a big block car the same as yours.
-You will also need 65-68 (69) big block C-body kick down linkage. And maybe a Big block throttle cable.
-Exhaust will have to modified significantly to mate up to the 440 exhaust manifolds.

If you upgrade to a 440 you should go through your brakes, front and rear. All new rotors, pads, shoes, wheel cylinders, hardware kits etc.

It's not a simple drop in deal. That's why I suggested learning on what you have now. And do the swap down the road, in a year or so, when you have a bit more mechanical experience under your belt.
No manuals just the pink slip. WOW!!! Maybe it's not to late to go with a 2jz-gte lexus hahaha!? Well i got 8 months to learn as much as i can before the swap. And I'm guessing MPG in a 440 is pretty bad huh?
No manuals just the pink slip. WOW!!! Maybe it's not to late to go with a 2jz-gte lexus hahaha!? Well i got 8 months to learn as much as i can before the swap. And I'm guessing MPG in a 440 is pretty bad huh?
Gas mileage with the 440 or 383 can go from ok to really terrible depending primarily on your right foot,lol.
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Nice car.

I would go with the recommendations...new carb, tune up, new valve cover gaskets.

Drive it for a year while reading up on the service manual. I take it you're new to wrenching on cars too? Nothing too difficult in swapping a motor. It wouldn't hurt to have a gearhead friend help you with the swap. And lastly pay attention to the wisdom the people are sharing with you on this forum...some of them having been working on these old Chrysler's for a hundred years. LOL!
I was in your shoes back in 2001 when I dragged Nessie home as a basket case. The 318 had 158000 miles and no compression LOL. I saved a few bucks tearing the motor down myself for the machine shop to do a stock rebuild. I also put a kit into the Carter 2bbl. Got the parts back from the shop and reassembled. Learned a thing or 2 in the process. Now I know enough just to be dangerous LOL. BTW nice ride and welcome aboard.
Yeah MPG is going to be a real problem hahaha. Some what new i know how to do the basics oil, tire change and other minor things. I rather not waste any money on the engine if I'm just going to swap it out later and sell the engine for $200 or less. I don't really drive the car anyways. But i'll see
A bumper to bumper punch list posted on my desk is the great motivator for me.
I'll check the last one off someday.