Hood alignment

You guys are nucking futs on here....
Rob, you at least get it. Several people have come in here and they are so rigid you'd think they had a 2 X 4 stuck up their butt. That's what The Dock is for. We're in here to unwind with the best of the best. And to be one of best with C-bodies, you have to be nucking futs.

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Thanks Rob!! She came out great! I got real lucky the other day. A buddy called me to inform me of a '75 b body fury in a local pick n pull. Went out there, and it happened to have 1 square hood roller :poke:left. Grabbed it along with some hood rests/bumps from a '98 ram. Same damn thing as the 75's it seems.

They are a nuts bunch over here, but it keeps the reading interesting, and I've always got a smile on my face.
Now, I've gotta wipe the Diet Coke off my PC screen...you guys are priceless. ;)

Now I know why I come here! :)

Alright hands in the air you mother stickers, this is a f#ck up...
That's pretty fuckin funny. I've never heard that one before.

The rest of you above actually made things worse. Shickled titless is not exactly PC.
I couldnt find it on youtube but the last time I heard it , it was on his HBO special in Atlantic City recorded thirty years ago
NO, you don't. He was a classic that many forgot about... Dirty as hell too but you wouldn't think so
Better times, with better comedians, he was one funny SOB, and Carson was 10 times the host over Leno or Letterman.

Rich Little and Mel Blanc were also evidently irreplaceable.
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