How to pull the Auto Pilot control knob off?


Sep 2, 2023
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Hey Gang,
Im new to the forum, and I'm a new owner of a 65 Imperial. I need to replace my ignition lock cylinder. I've got the metal plate lose that frames all the controls in that area of the ignition/auto pilot/. It's loose and ready to come off, but I'm having difficulty getting the Auto Pilot control knob off so I can remove that metal plate piece and get to the ignition cylinder. I thought maybe I just pull it and it'll come off ...but with some pressure it isn't budging and I'm afraid to break something if I pull harder. I have a service manual but it says nothing about removal of the Auto pilot knob. What' the right way to get this simple task done? Thanks.

Can see from underneath what is attached to the switch. Maybe it comes forward with the switch panel, then can be unplugged. Or like a head light switch knob, a release button behind panel. I looked through the service manual and did not find the switch panel info.
Can see from underneath what is attached to the switch. Maybe it comes forward with the switch panel, then can be unplugged. Or like a head light switch knob, a release button behind panel. I looked through the service manual and did not find the switch panel info.
I can't see anything underneath/behind the AP switch ...its very tight and no room to get a line sight ...The Fuse block is blocking a lot. If there's is something of a release button behind the AP switch I dont see an easy way to get to it, even with the fuse block out of the way. It's always a little thing like a knob that holds up the deal.
Look for an Allen set screw.

or it may just pull off but you don’t want to break anything.
Be careful. take a breather, maybe Murray Park can give you an answer if no one here can.
Look for an Allen set screw.

or it may just pull off but you don’t want to break anything.
I did loosen the 2 small allen screws on the knob, but they didn't allow it to come off. I think the allen screws are for adjusting the accuracy of the auto pilot control knob, and not for removing it.
Be careful. take a breather, maybe Murray Park can give you an answer if no one here can.
... okay, well I'm new to this Imperial world, so hip me to this "murray park". A person, place, what is it? :)
If there is an Allen set screw on the knob then remove it and spray some penetrant in the hole.

May it be that murry park is a bit too busy to answer how to questions? He doesn't return all his parts wanted calls.
Okay ...I found the Murray place but I have not reached out yet. I read over the service manual again and found where it tells how to remove the accessories, either right or left side group of the steering wheel. It's found on page 174 or section 8-58 and 59 -instruments/indicators. My area of concern is the right group side of the steering wheel where the ignition is located. I read the instructions on how to access that under RIGHT GROUP for my make and model referred to as AY-1 in the manual. Step 1 says remove the steering column cover plate. Step 2 is where I get stymied ... it simply says remove accessory switch knobs, but it does not say how :( . Perhaps I could get some folks to read that section and double check what I'm seeing there, maybe I'm a dummy and missing something obvious. Regarding removing the allen screws on the auto pilot knob ... it doesnt allow the knob to come off because the inner part of that knob ... the part you pull out to engage the cruise control ... that middle part is bigger around then the part that comes loose when you remove the allen screws. So I can't pull it over and off that middle stem.
Good news! I was carefully w/ a magnifying glass, looking at the AP knob. I noticed a 3rd allen screw just barely visible under the outer part to the knob. What with how this knob turns and pulls out, it was hiding from me. Still it took some moving and adjusting the outer part to get enough of the screw to show so I could get in my allen wrench... but it's all out now. Hoo-rah! Now I just hope I can get that funny little AP switch back together so that it operates properly. Thanks for all those that chimed in.
So I was able to pull the lock cylinder out of the ignition switch. Just wondering, but I did notice that when I pulled the cylinder that it had some grey-ish lube/grease down inside the well, and I didn't know if I should clean that out or leave it ... Though the old cylinder was slightly broken and made it hard to get the key in and out ...when I did get it in, the car starts up and everything is fine with the ign I assume leave in the lube. Should the new lock cylinder be also lubed or is there enough in the well? If so what lube?


Both the inner and outer knobs on the Autopilot are secured with small allen key set screws. Once those are removed, there may also be a small snap ring - DON'T LOSE THAT.
It may also have instead of the snap ring, a small ring nut.



There will be a white rubber O ring on the tip of the shaft - DON'T LOSE THAT EITHER

The entire assembly comes out from behind after the knobs/snap ring/ring nut are removed, and then you undo a nut to remove a small clip to remove the cable. Note where the cable sits for adjustment purposes. Don't have it too far in or too far out of the clip.
