Hub caps or not??

My preference is whitewalls and either hubcaps or road wheels on 4 doors. Although 14 inch whitewalls are getting hard to find in the proper size. Your car looks amazing.
IMO the wheel covers give the car a classy, impressive look as a NY'r should have but of course it's your car and your preference. Easy enough to put the wheel covers in a box if you change your mind some day.
I really like that 67 New Yorker, a real beauty. I myself, like the full wheel covers better, but the black wheels give it a sportier look. Nice thing is if you get tired of this look, you can pop those full wheel covers back on.
The first pictures, with the former white walls and wheel covers, to me, looks fantastic. Beautiful car!

With those two items changed, it looks more to me like somebody's going to take it to the demolition derby. YIKES!

Factory hub caps would be better than no caps at all! At least that way, it could be said the owner was too much of a cheap skate to opt for white wall tires and wheel covers when the car was ordered new (both of which were probably std on a NY, back then).

Might be a generational thing as NYs were always upscale and when new, back then, they all had whitewalls and wheel covers to complete that upscale orientation. That's the way I'm used to seeing them. Be that as it may.

Thanks, it is a nice car. To an extent I'm reliving my youth. In my early twenties (I'm now 57) I had a 65 Newport that I drove for many years as a daily driver. It was white four door with stock black rims and baby moons. I like it looking a little sportier. As others have said, all I have to do is pop the caps back on.
Sorry to tell you I think it looks much more elegant with OEM wheel covers. This was never designed to be a muscle car.
It may not have been designed as a muscle car, but it sure runs like one. If it only handled the turns better! For now the hub caps are living in the trunk.
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Your car looks great both ways but I would have to have the wheel covers and whitewalls if it were mine.
I have had my share of tire/rim/cap/RWL/WW controversy with Big Red...and from my learning process...I would go stock look all the way.

I like the no hubcap look to. I do wanna swap my tires around so i can have white letters out. But i got my hubcaps stored in case i ever get bored with the steelies to!
1st choice, white walls and wheel covers, (not hub caps as stated). The white letters are out of place on any pre 1970 car.
Your car, your choice.
My first NYer had wheels that were body color. They were fade to the same degree as the body so I cannot help but think they were that way originally. The one I have know had a mismatched set of wheels on it when I bought it.
My first NYer had wheels that were body color. They were fade to the same degree as the body so I cannot help but think they were that way originally. The one I have know had a mismatched set of wheels on it when I bought it.
I hope I'm recalling this correctly. Don't etch this in concrete.
If the car was ordered with wheel covers, the wheels were black.
Cars with the standard hubcaps had body colored wheels.

I dunno. It was a looooong time ago.
Well, at least you didn't put Poverty Caps on it.

I love white letter tires, but not on stock rims. Makes it look like it's going to a NASCAR event. My opinion, add some good wheels to those RWL tires, or go back to the stock look with the wheel covers and white walls.

Even so, having shared my opinion, it's your car. You do with it what you like and to Hell with what the rest of us think. That's my opinion too.
I hope I'm recalling this correctly. Don't etch this in concrete.
If the car was ordered with wheel covers, the wheels were black.
Cars with the standard hubcaps had body colored wheels.

I dunno. It was a looooong time ago.
Well, that could be, but I bought it in the 90's and it came with the correct full wheel covers.