When I was working we traveled a lot for weeks at a time. One of our technicians traveled with his own shower head. A simple old school Nibco head he replaced the hotel shower heads with.
Sounds like a smart and resourceful fella
When I was working we traveled a lot for weeks at a time. One of our technicians traveled with his own shower head. A simple old school Nibco head he replaced the hotel shower heads with.
Our start-up techs are a special breed. Imagine starting up an entire automotive paint shop with a bunch of GM know-it-all engineers breathing down your neck with launch day approaching.Sounds like a smart and resourceful fella
You are blessed with only the shower head failing.
I just finished installing a new water heater, toilet valve, o-ring on the kitchen faucet and replaced a worn out belt in the washing machine / dryer in my RV.
The sick thing is that I had just replaced the water heater in December of last year and the one that I just replaced cracked at both fittings due to my negligence of not draining it when I went to Kalifornia to bring my mom back here, during that cold spell a few weeks ago.
Smile as you didn’t have more to wrench on.
Never thought about doing that...When I was working we traveled a lot for weeks at a time. One of our technicians traveled with his own shower head. A simple old school Nibco head he replaced the hotel shower heads with.