I am taking a break nothing personal

I’m sorry to hear you will be leaving for awhile, but I understand where you are coming from. I too am taking a break from a tractor forum I’m on for awhile too, I started about 5 days ago. I’m not going to go into it, but they too got me angry.
LOL, the BS is getting real deep here.
I do have 2 bulls. Several calves and a lot of heifers but my 9 year old son does good in the skidsteer to keep the **** from piling up. Your opinion means as little to us as ours does to you so don't forget that amigo.
I won’t run away or leave a forum because I don’t like what is going on there politically or how the site is being run. I speak my mind in the proper way (some say I am a complainer or want something for nothing, but neither are true) and adjust accordingly. Sometimes it’s easy to just ignore the content of others, and sometimes me staying requires extra effort on my part, but I move forward, realizing that I can’t control the situation.

The serenity prayer often helps me. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but the next right thing always materializes, if I am mindful and work for it.
There are some law makers that will favor the criminals over the victims
It sometimes seems like that is true, but that's another (political) discussion. The real issue is the judicial system and how those laws are applied.

One of the reasons I suggested Massad Ayoob because of his familiarity with the police and the courts. He was a cop and has been an expert witness in many self-defense cases. Like any other good trainer, he's very big on situational awareness, or basically telling you to stay out of dark alleys at 2AM. He's also covered what to do if you are involved in a shooting.

This is really all "cover your ***" advice. Don't write something on social media you don't want to have read aloud in either criminal or civil court. What seems trivial can get blown out of proportion and used against you.

I really suggest you read the laws regarding self-defense shootings in your state. You'll find that even with Tennessee's Castle Doctrine laws, you still have to be in danger personally and not defending property. Shoot someone over an insured car? Ummm... No thanks. They can have the car because I know that lawyer's fees alone will be way more than the cost of the car.
.....Like any other good trainer, he's very big on situational awareness, or basically telling you to stay out of dark alleys at 2AM. He's also covered what to do if you are involved in a shooting. ....

I like the mantra - Don't be doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people at a stupid time.
I like the mantra - Don't be doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people at a stupid time.
Exactly. Situational awareness is huge.

Ever see people walking through a parking lot with their face down, reading something on their cell phone? The bad guys see it too. Those are the folks that will get robbed. The person walking to their car, head up and aware, isn't going to be on their radar. They want to do things easy so they will prey on the easy targets.
Indeed. I also changed my fueling habits as well after watching a lot of theses videos. I now start the fuel pump and then walk around the the corners of the truck like I'm checking things, all the while just looking around at the vehicles and people movement. I also lock my door as soon as I get out as well. Seen a lot of videos of people sneaking up to the passenger side of the running vehicle being fueled and sliding in and across to the drivers seat and taking off. Pump hose and all hanging out. I used to just think I had to worry about this in crappy areas....now that our gate keepers have left the doors to our country wide open every area has shitty people praying on the blissful unaware.
One thing I have learned watching the videos that come out of other countries....2 dudes on a bike is bad news lol. Its crazy how many of them start like that.
Indeed. I also changed my fueling habits as well after watching a lot of theses videos. I now start the fuel pump and then walk around the the corners of the truck like I'm checking things, all the while just looking around at the vehicles and people movement. I also lock my door as soon as I get out as well. Seen a lot of videos of people sneaking up to the passenger side of the running vehicle being fueled and sliding in and across to the drivers seat and taking off. Pump hose and all hanging out. I used to just think I had to worry about this in crappy areas....now that our gate keepers have left the doors to our country wide open every area has shitty people praying on the blissful unaware.
But why would anyone leave the vehicle running while being fueled? Is turning and removing the key that hard? That's just an invitation.
But why would anyone leave the vehicle running while being fueled? Is turning and removing the key that hard? That's just an invitation.

I shouldn't have to be concerned nor am I about leaving it run. I find it hard to comprehend the lunacy of locking a door every time you exit the vehicle or shutting it off while fueling.
With that thought it's obvious everyone has their own way.
Agreed, you shouldn't have to be concerned about it. However, working with the public as I have over the past 50 years, I see the trends of drug abuse and disregard for fellow man and property. I choose to do at least the easy, simple things to protect myself, and my property. I don't consider that to be lunacy.
But why would anyone leave the vehicle running while being fueled? Is turning and removing the key that hard? That's just an invitation.
I primarily drive newer diesel F450s, so I always leave it running. But got in the habit of locking the door and keeping the key fob in my pocket, not left in the truck.
Once I get my 1979 Ford CLT9000 road worthy I'm hoping most are too inept to try and make off with that rig lol


