I can't find the WTF thread...


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Punta Gorda FL
So I'm just going to leave this right here.. Should be fun.

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Love the car, hate the wheels, Paint looks decent, it won't idle and it's being driven around what appears to be a desert without an air cleaner...
Aboohdabi or some **** like that there.

I could do without the boss and gt500 on the stripes but the stripes themselves are not outside the relm if one is going custom. The wheels look just like the ones on the Tyrant Imperial.

But that idle ermergerd he's lucky it doesn't grenade when he fires it up.
Sounds like a tractor he's needing to turn that fast idle down 'It must be ticking over about 2500 rpm.:icon_pale:
That poor car is going to have an identity crisis.
With a little imagination, and a Sawzall, you can turn your dreams into reality ...... and you don't need to hire a professional. If that is the mother-in-law seat, it's all worth it.