I cleaned up the shop


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
Clean shop.jpgNew compessor and cantilever shelves.jpgNew leaf springs.jpg

I’m bad when I work on my car. I have 2 8X4 tables and they get totally covered and I never put anything away. Add on top I never cleaned the shop up from a busy summer/fall, you have a mess. I basically spent 2 days cleaning, throwing away, and building some more cantilever shelves. The scary thing is I haven’t touched anything on the current shelves, or under my work tables. That will come later in the winter.

I found a great deal on a compressor too and have it nearly installed. I forgot one item from the hardware store.

The leaf springs will have to wait until next weekend.

Clean shop.jpg

New compessor and cantilever shelves.jpg

New leaf springs.jpg
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Nice shop...........looks like there's room for a 2nd C-Body!!!

Fred, you restored your car in a 12x22 garage.........I'd love to see your work in a garage that size
And a lift .....

I have purposely left the open area there with no woodworking tools to eventually accommodate a lift, in the future.

I should have done some more lift research before I built the shop because my ceiling is 10 feet tall. I should have gone at least 12. I’m 6’4” and I’m going to wish I went higher. I at least went with a 9 foot door. My van is 8’6” and didn’t have my current van when I built it. My friend who built the main structure knew I was looking at the Sprinter van and asked me if it needed a door higher than 8 feet. He saved my butt on that one.

I shouldn't complain because it is a wonderful area to work on a car, and very effcient to heat and stays cool in the summer.
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Nice shop. It's driving Commando nuts that you you don't have any lines painted on the floor though. ;)
Thats what I did for my conversion Van . I went with a 12' ceiling height but should have went with a wider door. I went with a 10ft tall door but its only 8 ft wide



If you bought 4 lifts you could add another 4 cars:icon_santa:
That's nice Dave and you too Zymurgy. What kind of woodwork do you do?
That's nice Dave and you too Zymurgy. What kind of woodwork do you do?

I have mostly built cabinets and bookselves for myself. I have a long list of things to build from talbles to more paneled cabinets.