I have to quit this site


Fluid Technician with a hat
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Winnebago Mn
I just can't get anything done anymore, since becoming an addict, I mean member of this site. I almost ran off the first few times I dealt with Stan, he scared me because of my modified car views vs his puritanical beliefs of preservation. "How can I fit in with a bunch of guys who have no place for a vehicle with a non numbers matching engine, trans, front seat, rear end? I persisted in my hunting to find another of my kind, and after much searching was relieved to find another member who was bucking the trend, and putting the wrong parts in a car. That gave me hope and I continued on. I only cried a few times early on when the members preached from on high not to mess with what the Gods had given us (with a noticeable exception for ATC II) but I soon grew thicker skin. I could stand up to the masses and preach my cause. I even started to contribute to those who shared my beliefs, and I learned we had greater numbers than I thought. I was now fearless about my passion and soon the elders accepted my irrational train of thought, still pointing out inaccuracies, to help me "learn".

Well, at some point, I started to read their doctrines, and slowly began to agree with many of the key principles. Next thing you know, I'm seriously looking at, and studying these untouched examples, and start thinking, "I should get something like this!". Did I drink too many beers? Not enough? :wtf:

And one day, I found a nice balance, I can stick with my modified stuff,and if the chance presents itself, I can think about something original joining the family. But til the current fleet gets roadworthy, that option has been shelved.

Which brings me to the point of this rambling post, since I've determined that I have to get my fleet on the road and the Polara is the furthest along, I come here for my info and parts. This site has helped me out immensely, with parts, with help repairing things, tips and techniques, and also a good laugh when needed. But it's addicting, to the point I see someone looking for something, I might have a lead and I go chase it. For hours! And my project sits patiently waiting. Yeah I know it's all my fault, I lost control! :( I love the sight and will never quit. Too much good stuff to pass up.
If you think I line up all my Phillips Headz, you haven't paid attention to my ramblingz. My only parameter iz that I stay true to the bread. Mother made improvementz thru' the yearz. If I like ANY of those improvementz and can "Tastefully" incorporate them into my current project I will, I do, and I will continue to. THE TITLE IZ IN MY NAME REMEMBER?, Jer
If you think I line up all my Phillips Headz, you haven't paid attention to my ramblingz. My only parameter iz that I stay true to the bread. Mother made improvementz thru' the yearz. If I like ANY of those improvementz and can "Tastefully" incorporate them into my current project I will, I do, and I will continue to. THE TITLE IZ IN MY NAME REMEMBER?, Jer

What's the matter, is your "S" broken or what?
If you think I line up all my Phillips Headz, you haven't paid attention to my ramblingz. My only parameter iz that I stay true to the bread. Mother made improvementz thru' the yearz. If I like ANY of those improvementz and can "Tastefully" incorporate them into my current project I will, I do, and I will continue to. THE TITLE IZ IN MY NAME REMEMBER?, Jer
You were one of the ones who made me feel at home!
You were one of the ones who made me feel at home!
Remember MY golden words, "It is your car, do what you want with it". To that end, Yes this site is addicting, and as with my 300 I am doing the upgrades that Chrysler made over the years. Cars are meant to be driven, not trailered, (I will catch some crap over that remark). Work on your cars and come back when you need us. We will be here.
I'm not a "numbers" guy myself. If you started looking at my car and I listed what car each piece came from, you would get dizzy. Not much original... including the front seat.

There are also some changes... subtle and only a few have noticed any of them...

But to get back to Stan... Do you think a guy with custom paint on his own formal is going to care? Remember, he put a 4 speed in one too.
don't feel bad , we all have found ways to waste the day away , lol;) . but at least we read on the mods or restos . and their are some that are purists and like me a hot rodder , that are open to new or old ideas . well my dad still thinks hot rods are a waste of time and funds . he says ''their always breaking parts , you must fix them all the time '' '' never get your funds or time spent out of them .'' he's right , but never trying , is never get more than it was . so hot rod on my friend . some owners are just stock folks , and anyway else is beyond them . breaking the parts that need to be made stronger , is how chrysler corp did it . so is that a stocker idea or hot rod idea ?
I don't even have a "C'' body. I just like to see all your cool stuff. And like they say "Ya learn something new every day".
I'm just a MOPAR junky. I do my A-B-C's several times a day. Even go to the FMJ too. I leave the E bodies to them,not a fan.
Awww, kwitcherbitchin willya?? Seriously - no wait, I don't do much seriously anymore........ but yeah, I could get a lot more done without coming here all the time.... :icon_fU:
I tried to limit my forum time But...
I'm not a "numbers" guy myself. If you started looking at my car and I listed what car each piece came from, you would get dizzy. Not much original... including the front seat.

There are also some changes... subtle and only a few have noticed any of them...

But to get back to Stan... Do you think a guy with custom paint on his own formal is going to care? Remember, he put a 4 speed in one too.

And this is exactly why I got booted off of the previous stuffy car site that I belonged to ....... :mad:
and ended up right here !!!! :thumbsup:

As a dude who yanked a perfectly running engine/tranny/rear end/susp out of a 30,000 mile 68 Monaco with NO rust and only a very shallow dent in the roof .. not a crack in the dash nor a split in the seat .. then stuffed an overbuilt 440 ahead of a reverse manual valve body 727, sure grip, changed the wheels out bla bla bla then raced the thing for a few years, built a trailer hitch, drove it across Canada, blew a piston, torched the wiring, ripped the seat, split the dash .. the list goes on.

Only thing I'm not guilty of is fuzzy dice.

As my signature says: Who am I.. to judge YOU?!

As a dude who yanked a perfectly running engine/tranny/rear end/susp out of a 30,000 mile 68 Monaco with NO rust and only a very shallow dent in the roof .. not a crack in the dash nor a split in the seat .. then stuffed an overbuilt 440 ahead of a reverse manual valve body 727, sure grip, changed the wheels out bla bla bla then raced the thing for a few years, built a trailer hitch, drove it across Canada, blew a piston, torched the wiring, ripped the seat, split the dash .. the list goes on.

Only thing I'm not guilty of is fuzzy dice.

As my signature says: Who am I.. to judge YOU?!
As a general question ...I 've always wondered how do you add a signature line and picture to your account like below in this forum?...I like it.
Go up to the top right and select your username, brings up a drop down and the second down on the left side is for a siggie.

Just built myself one, seemed the thing to do.