I may have turned to the dark side...

May 30, 2019
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Portland Oregon
For the last 9 years the only 4 wheeled vehicle I owned and drove was my 1971 300 (Alvah). I have deeply loved that car. But having a 50+ year old car as a daily has drawbacks!
This last summer I reached my limit. I enjoyed driving the car, but this time it was the second round of ignition issues (all of the stuff I replaced 8 years ago went bad) and the worsening vapor lock that made me say enough is enough. I wanted something that I could reliably walk out to, get in, start up, and drive. And I wanted that reliability to last for more than a couple of months until the next bug developed and I was chasing another gremlin.
So... I caved and bought something new(ish).
I bought a 2017 Mustang GT...
The Mustang GT is the preferred method of transportation of douchebags and people who can't leave car shows without wrecking... It screams for you to pay attention to it while all of society works hard to ignore it (not like a C body who effortlessly without asking draws the attention of non car folks who can't help but appreciate it).
Here is the real problem... I love the Mustang! It's a pleasure to drive. It's very fast! It's comfortable. It has just the right amount of goodies to feel modern, but is still gives the driver an interface that is classic enough to not anger the Luddite within me. Since buying this car I haven't wanted to drive the Chrysler, and when I do it isn't as fun as it used to be. Now I'm worried that Alvah is going to waste away from neglect. I'm not even ready to consider getting rid of her yet, but honestly she's a great car and deserves to be driven, which I may not be doing much of anymore...

Nice... I've said right along if I was to choose between a Mustang and a metric Challenger, it would be the Mustang hands down.
Nice... I've said right along if I was to choose between a Mustang and a metric Challenger, it would be the Mustang hands down.
It certainly wouldn’t be the Camaro!!
My wife had a 2013 GT and me with my 2013 SRT challenger, the GT would give a good run till the wife got over 110, then it was all mine, she liked the quick, but not the long haul. The leg room in the mustang was pretty tight for me but it was a nice ride. We have neither one now. Hyundai sante fa, her 04 rumble bee and my 300. We love um all. Enjoy both your cars.
Ah the allure of something modern: parts are available, and it is reliable (hopefully). All I have to drive is a 1994 Dodge B-150 SWB Van 161,000 miles on it...got it when it was 2 years old.
Parts are getting touchy, but I spent at least $4,000.00 on new parts from Dodge when it was newish.

I owned one C Body in the early 1980's...a 1969 300 convertible. A true boat of a car.

Google Photos
Good to see I'm not alone...
My Mustang GT reminds me of my 340 Darts (from the mid70s)

But the driver for me is a 2021 Charger

I have a $100 plus tires 04 beetle. Not a thrilling car, but, it does do the around town and back thing just fine. I'm going to run it till it blows up that known to be bad auto trans.
Might even change the engine oil every 15k miles or so.

just older pics of my 2. thought i had more but i must have deleted them. 0's mile put on both of them this year.. friend of mine has 6 of them but at least he drives his.

2001 Bullitt

1993 lx 5.0 5 speed
I have something from every American car manufacturer. My 68 300 (of course), 2015 Ford F150, a Chevy Bolt (my daily) and a Tesla Y (wife’s car). Love driving all of them, but the 300 is the one that gets the compliments.

Give it some time…. You’ll enjoy driving the ‘71 again.
Long story, but I've worked for Roush and currently work for Ford. My daily when I'm not driving work vehicles is a 2018 Raptor, and I spent a few years working on the SVT/Ford Performance programs- have a huge soft spot for the S197 Mustangs, especially the 13/14 GT500's. Just incredible cars, and they seem like the last of the true driver's era vehicles. The S550's are nicer and more refined in almost every way though.

I grew up wanting to work for Chrysler, but ended up at the big blue potato.
I have to say one of the funnest things you can do with cars is making them do things they were never designed to do, I'll never forget the experience of throwing an old boat around and up and down some mountain backroads. One of these days I'll take mine to the local circuit, I'm sure it'll be a sight amongst all the newer imports and more sports-oriented cars there haha.