I shoulda known ..


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Not looking for this thread to have any real legs but didn't see another place to put this. Maybe under "stuff i kinda thought i knew but wasn't really sure."

so i just picked something simpler -- "I shoulda known .. ".

maybe some other random thing will come up that somebody might post under this category .. that you then confirmed by looking it up while prepping to go on Jeopardy? :)

Anyway, l take a look at this map - the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) each US state compared to other WHOLE countries.

I am NOT dissing other countries ... its just pieces of the US are economic dynamos when looked at this way.

STATE GDP vs Countries.png
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Actually labeling Texas as Mexico seems kinda racist... and if you're bent that way you should have labelled Florida as Canada...:poke:

BTW I knew the Dominican Republic was poor... didn't know they were WV poor.
didn't have view to make any "social" statements .. just the GDP machine the US is :)

maybe this map is more benign...Texas has the same GDP as the WHOLE country of Saudi Arabia. WV same GDP size as Panama - even with their canal.

California size of the the UK (the politics of hegemony aside, 20% of the world was in their sphere of influence until WWI, a scant 100 years ago).

Remarkable to me.