I went ahead and made an advertisement!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2015
Reaction score
I have received quite a few comments basically saying that my latest photo shoot results could have been used in a Chrysler ad or brochure.
So, this morning I decided that since its raining, I would try to create an ad out of one of the pics....the hardest part was creating the penta-star symbol ! I am pleased with the way the fonts that I used come pretty close to the fonts used in the original ads!

1968 Chrysler 300.jpg

1968 Chrysler 300.jpg
Very creative and unique idea. Great job. :eusa_clap: Fine looking 300 also.
I have received quite a few comments basically saying that my latest photo shoot results could have been used in a Chrysler ad or brochure.
So, this morning I decided that since its raining, I would try to create an ad out of one of the pics....the hardest part was creating the penta-star symbol ! I am pleased with the way the fonts that I used come pretty close to the fonts used in the original ads!

View attachment 59746

Poster size it
Poster size it

I think I will go to zazzle.com and try to see what I can do with it !!! I only wish I had used my cannon T2i - instead of my cell phone = the resolution would be perfect to enlarge to poster size!
The largest size I could blow it up to using the zazzle site, was 28 x 20, and I had to add a "Consort Blue" border, but I ordered one = and I am anxious to see how it looks hanging in the garage!!view.jpg

I did a quickie using a photo I stole from his facebook page = of my buddy Rob's 68 Fury convertible that he is currently in the process of making road worthy! He got quite a kick out it !!Robs Fury ad.jpg

Robs Fury ad.jpg
Wow, you are way to good at this. They both look great!