I went from road to this


New Member
May 10, 2013
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My daily driver, turned into no driver after my apartment complex kicked my car out for leaking trans fluid. Turns out she needs a torque converter seal replacement. Also she needs a gas tank or coating. The apartments raised my rent so until I get a raise at work or I win the state lottery she has to stay at moms house. I will not park my Fury on the street



I would of put a drip pan under her to keep the apartment a-holes under control.

That's a hell of a leak! That's one thing these old cars sure know how to do.
I see it's back on ebay again.
I have to be honest with you. I think you're shooting for the moon.
I know, I know. Start high, not low...
Still, I think it kills off a lot of potential inquiries.
I have been in your shoes before but sometimes you just gotta give into the rules and park her on the street, fix the leaks or lower the price
$8,000 and no mention of the parts that need replacing? Someone is going to get hosed. I guess they deserve it if they drop $8K on that car. From the pics on eBay, it looks to be a #3 car at best (maybe a #4). Based on the condition and repairs needed I would say the car is worth $2,000-$2,500.
Yeah, my mom has a turtle and decided he wanted to wade through the oil. She wasn't too happy about that.
Sounds like a spoof or at least a humorous tangent.
I understand what your saying I really don't want to sell the car it is the best car I have ever driven so good I became hooked. my first car was a 1972 ford club wagon van in high school WITH A MATTRESS IN THE BACK . my second a Honda prelude 1983, my third a 1990 Honda accord now Im stuck driving my moms 1993 dodge intrepid .....none of these cars compare to my Plymouth Fury ..so I figure I'd put an ad in for eight until I get the money to fix her. If I get a buyer that's willing to pay the money than I think eight is worth taking. where I live a Plymouth fury is so non popular its all about the chevys .I turn heads everywhere I go If I get eight I can buy two furys one for me and for my wife
what does a #3 & #4 car even mean ...I haven't found another 72 Fury with a factory 400 for sale at all. this car is dealer stock all numbers matching with all of the paper work from the dealer including the window sticker, intact build sheets, Paper plates and dealer frames. All of that means something to me anyway. I am the second owner of a beautiful California car with little rust ...she only leaks trans and power steering fluid not a drop of oil. I have every receipt for every repair done to the car from new till 2005.......repairs are minimal I went over the engine and brake system when I got her ...My mistake dumping the old gas and not getting a new tank or the old one coated, as of now I have the torque converter and seal but no time. I will not send her to a shop I do all of my own work. The only tranny I ever pulled was out of a 65 VW. as you can see from the pic's I'm limited on space where she sits so eventually we'll be on the road again unless you want to buy her for eight
he was happy just covered with trans fluid. The day after I parked the car there he got nosey and wanted to check it out. My mother has had the turtle for 19 years so he acts kind of like a dog he knows who we are and will walk up to us waiting for food or a head rub when I opened the gate he walked up to me covered in trans fluid. My mother was pissed ...If the turtle was a mechanic he'd be the only one I would trust to work on my Fury. He wasn't very happy with the bath though. Dawn dish detergent is the best.. He's clean as a whistle and hasn't pushed through the bricks yet but when he does Im sure Ill get a call
I second that, how big is a 19 year old turtle? They live a long time, don't they?
what does a #3 & #4 car even mean ...

Maybe this will shed some light on condition and valuation of your car.

Condition #1 vehicles are the best in the world. The visual image is of the best car, in the right colors, driving onto the lawn at the finest concours. Perfectly clean, the car has been groomed down to the tire treads. Painted and chromed surfaces are mirror-like. Dust and dirt are banned, and materials used are correct and superbly fitted. The one word description for #1 cars is "concours."...Your car in #1 condition is worth around $12K. Definitely not your car.

#2 cars could win a local or regional show. They can be former #1 cars that have been driven or have aged. Seasoned observers will have to look closely for flaws, but will be able to find some not seen by the general public. The paint, chrome, glass and interior will all appear as excellent. No excessive smoke will be seen on startup, no unusual noises will emanate from the engine compartment. The vehicle will drive as a new car of its era would. The one word description for #2 cars is "excellent."...Your car in #2 condition is worth arount $6,500. Definitely not your car.

#3 cars could possess some, but not all of the issues of a #4 car, but they will be balanced by other factors such as a fresh paint job or a new, correct interior. #3 cars drive and run well, but might have some incorrect parts. These cars are not used for daily transportation but are ready for a long tour without excuses, and the casual passerby will not find any visual flaws. "Good" is the one word description of a #3 car....Your car in #3 condition is worth arount $4K. Possibly your car although the split seam on the driver's seat may push it to #4 and who knows what the flag is covering in the back seat.

#4 cars are daily drivers, with flaws visible to the naked eye. The chrome might have pitting or scratches, the windshield might be chipped. Paintwork is imperfect, and perhaps the fender has a minor dent. The interior could have split seams or a cracked dash. No major parts are missing, but the wheels could differ from the originals, or the interior might not be stock. A #4 car can also be a deteriorated restoration. "Fair" is the one word that describes a #4 car....Your car in #4 condition is worth arount $2,800. Based on what I've seen and read, this most aptly describes your car.

Just because you haven't seen any '72 Fury III's with a 400 for sale doesn't make it rare or
desirable. The originality is very cool and the car is a "survivor" but it simply isn't worth $8K. Unfortunately, sentiment doesn't equal more dollars. Now, if you are putting a sky high price tag on the car just to show someone you are trying to sell, that's a whole different ball game. Usually, people that are willing (or needing) to sell offer the car at a reasonable price. With all the tools at your disposal for a proper valuation, where did you come up with $8K as a fair price? It all points to showing someone you are trying to sell it but aren't really interested in selling; which is fine. There are many that have been in your shoes.

As for me buying your car for $8K, not a chance. A) I have no interest in a '72 Fury III Hardtop, in any condition. B) I don't have the room for another car; two is my max: 1965 Chrysler 300 Convertible and 1964 Pontiac GTO. C) If I dragged home another car the wife would kill me. D) It isn't worth $8K.

Good luck with the sale but I think you really aren't interested in selling.