Ineresting video

"We dont bild carz for anybudy - we bild them for sumbudy." A great moto.

Its amazing how they shuffled along wile working. Duz anybudy work that hard anymore?
... Duz anybudy work that hard anymore?
Sure, but most figure out pretty quick they get paid the same to be a lazy POS and slow down. It always seemed to me that the pay scale increased as the work load decreased... I just wasn't smart enough to follow the herd... apparently.

I traded a job I loved for a job I can physically survive. I like what I do, most of the time, but the only real benefit is I don't hurt so much everyday.
That gets to the hart uv wuts rong with captalizm. Work duz not equal pay.

It wont be too many more decadez befor the entire thing fallz apart. Its been possible to completely automate production for a long time and now with battery capasity at a practical level we are going to see more & more servis jobs being filled by droidz.

Sum countryz are alredy beginning to tranzition to UBI (Unconditional Basic Income). Eventually, maybe around 2100, I think peepl will start to rebel agenst the money class system. Otherwize, we will end up in a Hunger Gamez senario.
I knew a guy who got paid $22 an hour to be a tech at a plant and he would spend most of his day sleeping in the tool cage and reading playboy. Sadly the joke about Homer Simpson sleeping on the job and goofing off all the time is true to life for some folks. The guy even proudly remarked that all he had to do was look busy when the boss or supervisor would walk by and would always have a clipboard with him to look at or a tool box to carry to look like he was going somewhere. He'd also deliberately order the wrong parts for machines that went down so then he could send them back. This was for a fairly large company too.
Yes, lots uv goofing off happening all the time.

Take that guy, raize hiz pay to 220$ per owr, then hav him actively working agenst the company ALL THE TIME and you got your typical lawyer.