Introduction of elmer J fudd. millionaire

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I did a little research and found that Elmer J Fudd stands 3'5" tall. If you really are Elmer J Fudd, how do you reach the pedals on that Cordoba?
I'm looking for a rich benefactor who will fund my Cordoba obsession. You buy 'em and I'll drive 'em? Deal?
With my enormous wealth at my disposal, my personal Buyer has recently acquired this fine example to add to my massive collection of Automotive History.

Sitting at my chimney stirring my tea, I have to say: Excellent choice, mate. Indeed.

Or, as @67-Fury would say: "Fuckin' great ride, dude!"
Or, as Jay Leno would say: "Poor man's Stutz!"...:)...!

Welcome to the forum!
Sitting at my chimney stirring my tea, I have to say: Excellent choice, mate. Indeed.

Or, as @67-Fury would say: "Fuckin' great ride, dude!"
Or, as Jay Leno would say: "Poor man's Stutz!"...:)...!

Welcome to the forum!
No swearing allowed!! Or i think it's me who just Can't Swear. But everyone else can. Guess that is just how it works.
Sitting at my chimney stirring my tea, I have to say: Excellent choice, mate. Indeed.

Or, as @67-Fury would say: "Fluckin' great ride, dude!"
Or, as Jay Leno would say: "Poor man's Stutz!"...:)...!

Welcome to the forum!
Fixed... get over it buddy, I like your stuff too much when your happy, It ain't the same when you're bitter...
Hey, that was supposed to be an extremely funny joke, guys...I didn't want to offend anyone!

@67-Fury : I'm with you - coming from Germany, I never understood the censorship of swearing that seems to be common in the US.
No swearing allowed!! Or i think it's me who just Can't Swear. But everyone else can. Guess that is just how it works.

F Bombs are allowed in moderation. That was in moderation.

Joey is OK with it and there was an extensive discussion on it, a vote to if I recall, about a year ago.

Excessive f Bombs and vulgar language is not OK. Also f Bombs or othee 4 letter type words or abusive language directed at others is also not OK.

You are good.67 fury.
Also please take any further discussion on the language issue to a new thread instead of this welcome wagon post.
No swearing allowed!! Or i think it's me who just Can't Swear. But everyone else can. Guess that is just how it works.
You're not the only one I've said it to, I don't read every post on here so evidently I've missed quite a few and no I'm not stalking you...

On topic.
Sweet Doba, congrats!
Yummy. Fluking awesome....

How do we know that Elmer isn't Stan messing with us? If that 'Doba shows up with scoops.....
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