Is It Halloween Already?

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Recorded the Grammy's.....because I knew it would be a **** show!

So forwarding through all the Kobe BS and most of the show sucked as usual.

I can't believe this freak Billie Eilish won all the big awards!!!! Her music super sucks and probably couldn't get dogs to howl! Didn't anyone tell her it's not Halloween yet??? What a ******* mess!!!! Did I say her music Super sucks???

Someone recently fired as head of the Grammy's said all this award stuff is rigged. I'll have to agree with that! How could this and other **** win awards???

Don't have MSM TV so don't watch or miss any of the crap.
Rather watch Tombstone Territory or the Restless Gun.
Salvage Dogs, one of the few shows on T.V. worth watching.
Heck it’s Hollywood!
Ya really have to be a freak to get noticed there.
Talent has nothing to do with any of those shows.
Seems like there is an, aren’t we wonderful, Award Show of some sort every week.
Totally ignore these things.
I've heard the name, not the music. I'm guessing I'd hate it. Anyways, I looked her up and found her real name: Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell :rofl:

I think people just throw random words out and call it a name now days. And half of the time it's misspelled.
Never mind Billie Eilish, did you see this dude sitting in the audience? Basically, I have no talent so I'll paint my face like a freak to attract attention...

All the award shows are the same. The entertainment industry has replaced the old fashioned carnival freak show. The freaks must convene (many times) to assure each other they’re not freaks, and to parade their politically correct cred. A colossal amount of money and time goes into an uneventful event. I don’t know how much time I have left above ground, but I’m not wasting any of it on that ****.
I've always wondered why we put so much emphasis on musicians, actors and athletes. They are people just like us. They are no more special than you or I. But we hold them in such high regard, when we often look past the fact they are as screwed up as the rest of us. I don't watch these shows, never cared for them when my folks would watch them. Is sad when some famous athlete dies, bit why are they any more important than the neighbor down the street? Their deaths don't affect us anymore or less then any other citizen of the world. What makes them special?

So paint your face, make up a stupid name, sing about holding your dick, and bring light to your plight of not having the right overabundance of material goods in your possession.

I stopped actively looking for new music in the 90's, and after seeing the "artists" and their goofy behavior, I'm glad I did.
I don't know anything about this stuff because I avoid it.
Calm down, Bob.
Life is too short and is taking away from cruising in your cars.
Musicians used to make it with talent. Now talent is not necasaryy as long as you have 75 back up dancers and lots of pyrotechnics. Showing a lot of skin helps too. At the risk of sounding like the old geezer that I am I sure miss the good ole days.
Wot no Miley Cyrus? She a has-been these days or just permanently locked up in re-hab?

BBC 4's Rich Hall's California Stars Documentary

BBC.4 Rich Hall`s California Stars. Documentary.360p_00_00_47_02.jpg
I've always wondered why we put so much emphasis on musicians, actors and athletes. They are people just like us. They are no more special than you or I. But we hold them in such high regard, when we often look past the fact they are as screwed up as the rest of us.

Not all...

Is sad when some famous athlete dies, bit why are they any more important than the neighbor down the street? Their deaths don't affect us anymore or less then any other citizen of the world.
It is sad that Kobe, his daughter and the other passengers perished in that chopper crash. We can expect all the news commentary we will receive from the MSM outlets will be headlining this tragedy for a week or two.
Tragic as it may be, Billy from the movie Predator said it best...

When I was much younger, I too remember my parents watching these awards shows, but with just 2 VHF & 1 UHF TV channels, they didn't have many options to choose from. I've never watched any awards shows, thinking I could find something else to do to waste my time.
My wife will watch these shows. I'd rather lose some brain cells breathing brake cleaner than losing them watching the celebrities in hollyweird.
It is sad that Kobe, his daughter and the other passengers perished in that chopper crash. We can expect all the news commentary we will receive from the MSM outlets will be headlining this tragedy for a week or two.
Tragic as it may be, Billy from the movie Predator said it best...

When I was much younger, I too remember my parents watching these awards shows, but with just 2 VHF & 1 UHF TV channels, they didn't have many options to choose from. I've never watched any awards shows, thinking I could find something else to do to waste my time.
My wife will watch these shows. I'd rather lose some brain cells breathing brake cleaner than losing them watching the celebrities in hollyweird.

"What's the mattah Dillon? CIA got you pushing too many pencils?"

One of my all time favorite quotes and movies.
I've never watched any awards shows, thinking I could find something else to do to waste my time.
My wife will watch these shows. I'd rather lose some brain cells breathing brake cleaner than losing them watching the celebrities in hollyweird.

I couldn't agree more.

My issue with all the new music and artists is the darn autotune?? they use on their voices, they all have the same digital sound to them now....just horrible to listen to.
I wonder if any of these young artists who dream of becoming the "new music star of the week", with or without with those fake autotuned voices, will require them to have to "preform" any special services similar to the type of "Harvey Weinstein" crap that does (did?) happen in the movie industry....My guess would be yes.
Isn't hollyweird the place where the term Casting Couch was created?
I think calling them "artists" is being generous. But, then again we live in a society that calls throwing poop on a wall is art.
And they also have no self awareness.