Is the ‘Certicard’ in the engine bay common?


New Member
Feb 9, 2025
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The Queen City, SK
Hello everyone. I’m a new member but had found this forum a few years back when I was looking around for 1967 Monaco information. I have a 1967 Monaco convertible that my dad had bought locally in the early 1980s. Under the hood is this card with the original owners name on it. Note this convertible has lived it’s entire life within 50miles of the original owner’s hometown.
Growing up my buddies and I all had a few mopars, but have never found one of these ‘Certicards’ before. Are these common?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts/comments. Just curious. As others have mentioned in other threads recently, it’s an interesting piece of this cars history.


I have one for my 1968 Sport 1968 the cards were kept in the glove compartment. 67 and earlier were in the engine compartment. H5 on the card is torqueflite automatic. SA is standard open rear axle. Car went into service on 2/14/67
I had one from one of my cars, can't remember which one. Probably one of my 1969 Coronet 500s. I wish I had hung onto it.
EDIT: For context, that one out of six 1960's vintage Mopars.
In 67 they were in the engine compartment, sometime late in the 67 run they moved them to the owners manual. 68 was the last year for them.
I think it is cool when people leave the original owners info on them, I see no point in taking it off or changing it.

The CERTICARD identification card was initiated in 1965 until 1968.
The CERTICARD identified the vehicle VIN number, select option codes and the original owners name and address and delivery date for warranty purposes.
I Have my Certicard for my 67 Monaco 500 still on the rad core support. but it was wiped clean. Just a blank.
My 68 Newport its card is missing.
It would have been attached to the owners manual which was long gone before I ever bought the car.

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Thanks for all the responses. Interesting story, dad had the car out running errands one summer day and a guy came up to him and said that’s my old car. The guy said open the hood and sure enough his name was the one on the certicard. That was way back about 1982ish. Dad i think was the 3rd owner. I bought it from dad in 1986.
The certicard will stay with the car as long as I own it. (I blacked out name and town in the digital photo only, not the actual card)
The one for my 67 Barracuda with my grandfathers name is put away with the title. I keep a decoy in the car.

That's what I am doing with the one from my '66 Fury III I purchased off the original owner - keep the real one safe and put another one in the pocket for show.
That's what I am doing with the one from my '66 Fury III I purchased off the original owner - keep the real one safe and put another one in the pocket for show.
Why would anyone want to steal a Certicard?
Worthless to anyone.
Just provenance to the car and current owner.
Why would anyone want to steal a Certicard?
Worthless to anyone.
Just provenance to the car and current owner.
Not as much worried about theft as I am with further deterioration, though pettier things have been swiped before. One corner is corroded to where part of it is missing. I don't want more of it to disappear by retaining moisture or something. This way, it's safe in the folder with all the paperwork, including the window sticker, invoice, purchase contract, purchase receipt, build card, punch card, broadcast sheet, registration paperwork, letters to Chrysler Corp, and more. One of these days, I'll make a whole post about the car as it deserves one.
Certicards were intended to assist in warranty repair order preparation. Like the olds tyle credit cards they were inprinted on the WRO, saving missed digits, etc. Dealers could add the owner information manually to the bottom, some did, some didn't.
The one on my 66 T&C was damaged by battery acid, the factory location that year was ill advised.
Did Canadian cars have certicards in '67? My '67 Windsor-built Monaco never did seem to have one, it's been in the family since it was new. I also don't recall seeing one (or the holder for it) on my '65 Windsor-built Polara.
Why would anyone want to steal a Certicard?
Worthless to anyone.
Just provenance to the car and current owner.
Not a chance I'm willing to take. This car is never leaving the family, the card is in a known safe place, not going to get misplaced.

My '67 Imperial had one in the underhood location, was originally a California car. My 68 '300, '68 Charger, and '68 Fury didn't have them, I also didn't know they originally were in the glovebox on '68's though. None of them had glovebox liners!