I've finally seen it!!

I never get tired of looking at this car, great photo's, the shot with the 300 in the back ground is the best. Now all we need is some on the road video.
I think everyone should have at least one convertible, and one wagon. JMHO.
My wagon needs to be this one. Beautiful!

"Serves as ambulance or funeral coach, converts in minutes." Does this mean if you die on the way to the hospital they simply do a detour to the Cemetery?

For that time that your running late and think that you have more time but unfortunately your time has run out and in the end you end up not being late for your last and final appointment. :poke:

I hope you stomped on it and swung that car cross wise down the road after you took this pic....;)

Congrats on getting it home safely...it sure is an amazing car. And look at all those NOS pieces too!
Great looking SW. Thanks for posting the pics. The Superlite option is very desirable and rare. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions about it from people who have never heard of it.