Jade Helm 15 Continued...

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Yawn.....just like I said.

I have "test items" that are participating in this exercise.


Amid unfounded, Internet-fueled rumors that U.S. Special Operations Forces might be trying to take over parts of the southwest, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered Texas State Guard forces under his control to keep an eye on the U.S. military during a large upcoming training exercise.
The exercise is called Jade Helm 15.
"It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed," Abbott said in an April 28 letter to Major Gen. Gerald "Jake" Betty, commander of the guard.
Bring it.jpg

Bring it.jpg
The problem here is the scope of the exercise, and the insensitivity of the Military by using the actual names of the states in designating hostile or otherwise. In addition,there are a number of retired military people questioning the motives of the exercise, not just paranoid civilians. I would recommend those in charge rethink the whole concept, and do a much better job at public relations. In my opinion, right now the Military has to be given a big "F" in that area. I can say that as a Veteran of ten years, this whole deal smells.and if the training exercise is just that, then the people in charge need to be replaced, as they are doing a piss poor job of it as of right now. In 1942-45 these people thinking of this would be cleaning latrines. Not to mention the fine Vietnam era guys I worked with. They wouldn't tolerate this for a second. This is just my humble opinion.:sFl_america2:
You're safe Stan! LOL!
No. I'm serious.
That tells me there will be stuff in this "practice domestic action whose goal for swift and aggressive control", is going to have your Top Secret Super Sized WMDs in it?

Damn. I live near one of those recently closed Walmarts.
Lot of black Chargers and old Crown Vics been parking there still.
I didn't mention the closings, and that is suspicious in itself. 2200 Employees laid off with one days notice? They happen to be in the same area.
The old saying is" I was born, but not yesterday". I know a few active duty personnel that say, in their opinion the whole deal is bogus, and suspicious as well. Flying B-52's over North Dakota at 500 feet for training is not this. Regardless of the motivation for the exercise, The Gov't is doing more harm than good, by conducting itself in the manner it is doing it at present. In one place the military says only a few weeks, in another it will last two months. Which is it? You don't need two months to learn a tactic, unless it is to invade Iwo Jima.
I'm just going to let people think what they want about this...

I served in the Army for 20 years and worked for the Army Test Center for over a decade since retiring from the Army. Believe me......if there was any validity to this "conspiracy" operation...it would be executed without anyone knowing about it. This is no different than the massive "Reforger" exercises that we conducted in Europe since the end of WWII.
I have been spewing a lot of stuff out about this but let me make this clear. I believe there really is NO conspiracy nor is there a planned national martial law, miltary takeover, containment camps, etc, etc, etc.

So why all this talk then? It's because people are seeing the result of 9/11 when later that same day as our heads were swirling with the surealism of the events, a famous writer who's name escapes me said:
"America will never be the same again".

ISIS is now in America. No wonder everybody sees our stepped up efforts against domestic terrorist attacks and get scared and to wondering.

America will never be the same again.
They are here, believe it. Six years of completely undefended southern borders has seen the current result.
Now, after the shootings in Dallas, left wingers say the solution is to disarm everyone! In my view more people need to buy guns and carry, as there is no way the cops can protect everyone, everywhere.
What result? And it's been wide open for longer than 6 years. Well back to the time we bought Texas from Mexico.

UMM.... Texas was not purchased from Mexico. There was the Texas Revolution when the anglo settlers who had been solicited to settle in Texas with promises of land and the same rights as citizens found out they had been lied to. Then 10 years after Texas won its independence and became a Republic it joined the Union and was annexed by the U.S.. This led to a second conflict with Mexico in 1846 thru 1848.
UMM.... Texas was not purchased from Mexico. There was the Texas Revolution when the anglo settlers who had been solicited to settle in Texas with promises of land and the same rights as citizens found out they had been lied to. Then 10 years after Texas won its independence and became a Republic it joined the Union and was annexed by the U.S.. This led to a second conflict with Mexico in 1846 thru 1848.

We did, at least part of it;

"After Gadsden’s Purchase a new border dispute caused tension over the United States’ payment, and the treaty failed to resolve the issues surrounding financial claims and border attacks. However, it did create the southern border of the present-day United States, despite the beliefs of the vast majority of policymakers at the time who thought the United States would eventually expand further into Mexico."
While you can blame the current administration for a lot of problems anyone who lives in Arizona knows this has been an issue for all of the previous presidents as well. So I guess while you can blame Obama for not closing the borders you also have to place blame on Bush, Clinton, Bush and Regan for the same incompetence.
The last President to be aggressive about Immigration was Roosevelt. He actually listened to the people, and enforced strict Immigration rules. Polls at the time clearly showed the American people opposed Illegal Immigration, and Roosevelt respected the view. The Gadsen purchase(1854) solved a land dispute with Mexico regarding New Mexico and Arizona, not Texas.

he view.
While you can blame the current administration for a lot of problems anyone who lives in Arizona knows this has been an issue for all of the previous presidents as well. So I guess while you can blame Obama for not closing the borders you also have to place blame on Bush, Clinton, Bush and Regan for the same incompetence.
The point being ISIS and like cell groups with similiar agendas are here, have been for many years. Beheading people, No. Here just the same, awareness and knowledge are power. The "paradigim shift" of "The U.S. will never be the same" was cited by former president George Bush.