Jade Helm 15 Continued...

But the "I will fundamentally CHANGE America" is the mantra of the current occupant of gov't housing at 1600.
My apologies I shouldn't have brought up Texas, my lack of understanding of the disputed territory at the time of purchase. The point still stands though, it's never been secure since then not just the past 6 years.
You both were mostly right. Sadly, most people don't even know New Mexico and Arizona border each other,, let alone anything about the Gadsden purchase. The point is the border is undefended, and O is the worst.
Sorry I cannot comment further upon current policy as I may infuriate some of his unwitting supporters and besides it's not permitted.
The era of essentially UNDEFENDED borders started with O.

BTW, THIS is the Gasden Purchase, which was in the far Southwestern portion of the US, and had nothing at all to do with Texas:


Again the undefended border did not start with Obama. In the early 2000's every morning when I stopped at a Circle K or Quick Trip for a cup of coffee the parking lot was full of construction and landscaping trucks and the line of non English speaking customers was out he door. Of course the housing market was booming then so the illegals had plenty of jobs to come here for. Ironically no body was making it an issue then because everything was good and jobs were plentiful. But the point is we have been over run with undocumented people for years. The 11 or 12 million of them did not just show up in the last 6 years. All the so called "Dreamers" are high school and college age and most were brought here at pre shcool age.
Again the undefended border did not start with Obama. In the early 2000's every morning when I stopped at a Circle K or Quick Trip for a cup of coffee the parking lot was full of construction and landscaping trucks and the line of non English speaking customers was out he door. Of course the housing market was booming then so the illegals had plenty of jobs to come here for. Ironically no body was making it an issue then because everything was good and jobs were plentiful. But the point is we have been over run with undocumented people for years. The 11 or 12 million of them did not just show up in the last 6 years. All the so called "Dreamers" are high school and college age and most were brought here at pre shcool age.

Up in Denver they were bitching. A good drywaller job at the time was about $25/hr. By 1999, they was down to almost $9/hr. We watched one of our co-contractors basically lose everything because they simply undercut him with numbers. Hire three guys for what you used to pay one and the job goes 3 times as fast, thus you end up paying less.
Again the undefended border did not start with Obama. In the early 2000's every morning when I stopped at a Circle K or Quick Trip for a cup of coffee the parking lot was full of construction and landscaping trucks and the line of non English speaking customers was out he door. Of course the housing market was booming then so the illegals had plenty of jobs to come here for. Ironically no body was making it an issue then because everything was good and jobs were plentiful. But the point is we have been over run with undocumented people for years. The 11 or 12 million of them did not just show up in the last 6 years. All the so called "Dreamers" are high school and college age and most were brought here at pre shcool age.

Note that I said "essentially undefended", at least previous residents of 1600 made attempts at building walls and increasing patrols. This one has not.
Up in Denver they were bitching. A good drywaller job at the time was about $25/hr. By 1999, they was down to almost $9/hr. We watched one of our co-contractors basically lose everything because they simply undercut him with numbers. Hire three guys for what you used to pay one and the job goes 3 times as fast, thus you end up paying less.

Same thing in Maryland and Virginia. Trying stopping at a 7/11 or a Home Depot at 7 am with a pickup truck and an empty bed. Pxxxo and his 14 cousins will be standing in the bed....
Texas is trying to patrol the border but it takes a lotout of the budget to do so and the Fed has been asked for help for years withno real response. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEKwij0W9QE
Texas isfar from perfect, we have these BS sanctuary cities where the police forces areinstructed to not cite minor crimes if the offender is an illegal and not toask for proof of citizenship

I find all of this exercise very perplexing. There is either a very fine job ofdisinformation and misinformation being pervaded, and the local populationsbeing stressed beforehand in an effort to accomplish what? Or the whole thingis being handled incorrectly. I do not understand choosing Texas, a place witha huge number of very large military instillations and an environment that haswelcomed and supported the military for years as a Hostile environment. Therehave been what used to be called “Maneuvers” for years but most of the timethey were on the large military reservations Ft. Hood, or Ft. Bliss etc. Nowthey will be in the Public/Private domain what do they expect to learn? That ina small town in west Texas where families have lived for generations everybodyknows who everyone else is and what they are up to and have no compunction inasking trespassers to leave at the end of a gun or suggesting suspiciouscharacters move along in much the same way.

There have been items in the news reporting that food andwater in local retail establishments could be in short supply during thisperiod, why? Is it part of the test to stress the local populations? Or willthe military not be supporting special operators, and how will the military /GSA keep track of expenditures, will these guys have to keep receipts?
Are we finally at the point that the Para Military drugcartels are going to have to be dealt with and this is just a front? Have we been infiltrated to such an extentthat we need to really carry out these types of exercises as contingencies forwhat is expected to happen on U.S. soil?
I understand operations such as Reforger in Europe as necessaryNATO exercises. But the populations of those countries could see the potentialthreat and were OK with these exercises. Because of manifest destiny, sea toshining sea we have not had those types of threats and have not had to beconcerned about fighting wars on U.S, soil. Has something changed? Has therebeen a major shift in thinking? What precipitated this change?
Furthermore I am embarrassed for Jake Betty, When the Governorsends him a letter putting him in charge of checking on the military operations.This guy is a decorated war hero and does not deserve to be put in that kind ofposition. OK I have digressed from the subject but that really chaps me.
They won't be staying at the Holiday Inn or eating at Texas Roadhouse......

99.9% of the locals won't even know they are there.

A third group are called 'Nordic Blondes' and Hellyer said that if you meet one you'd probably say, 'I wonder if she's from Denmark or somewhere.'

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So that's where they find them all for beer commercials.