Jade Helm 15


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
The more you know, the more terrified you'll become.


Sounds like the book "Seven Days in May" (copyright 1962) and the exercise known as ECOMCON! The movie, released in 1964, starred Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Frederick March, Eva Gardner, Martin Balsam and Andrew Duggan.

That is nothing short of scary!! Definitely makes ya wonder!! My distrust of the gov tells me it's more than an exercise . All they have to do is scream "domestic terrorist" and can do what they want.
When I was in the Airforce we would have deployments to different parts of the country to play war games with the fighter boys

The U.S. Military has been doing this in Germany and Japan since 1945. South Korea since 1953.....
If you don't think Isis is in our country do a little googling on it. I have U.S. Huey's flying over my home most everyday, and I take comfort in that. If you don't think the war has arrived stateside , and there are scary people in the world who want to make their name known, try traveling to a hostile country.
Question: Has there EVER been U.S. military training exercises performed off base? Not on a military installation ? Question 2: Has there ever been a foreign military training on U.S. Soil also off base or not on a military installation?
Joint training off base williams, arizona 86 in conjuction with state troopers and federal marshals, yes most of it was on base, some was not and was close to the base, still federal land.
North Dakota, again joint training nukes are not on base. I've trained with alot of foreign nationals in the states and overseas on and off base/ post in all types of environments, true most were on base / post.
Some were real world in the states, Like when we dug a Mexican national pilot out of the ground when he lost his gyro in the fog. The biggest piece of him we pulled out of the ground was his hand in his glove still on the stick, done jointly. Ever heard of a MARE, most were done on base, but not all, there was coordination with off base as well.
ISIS has cell groups here in the US, and there are plenty of groups just like them that have been here for years. SOC Teams are just that, the US trains foreign nationals in all aspects, taking it off base / post is real world (where the bad guys are) America needs to wake up and smell the coffee. If nothing is trained for off base/ post in the US, how do we respond when the real thing happens?
Question: Has there EVER been U.S. military training exercises performed off base? Not on a military installation ? Question 2: Has there ever been a foreign military training on U.S. Soil also off base or not on a military installation?

I know they have performed small exercises off base. While there were 70-80 ships in the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet you would see small groups of military performing exercises on their own and sometimes with police.

I was sitting on the top deck of the Hornet one day when I heard different noises through my hearing protection. I looked up to see a military helo circling the ship. Then looked over the side to see three boats with men scrambling up the side of the ship next to us. One military, one SFPD and one Alameda Sheriffs plus a Coast Guard escort.




Five Walmart Supercenters closed without warning. Closed.

So what??? Less hillbilly's? How is this related to anything?

We need to start worrying when they start closing Dollar General's and 7/11's.
furyus 67 said:
:BangHead:when? Where? I've heard of plenty joint training exercises on base never off. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of these conspiracy theory nuts but if 1/4 of the stuff they are spewing is true.....

Denver had some in 2005 or 2007.

Five Walmart Supercenters closed without warning. Closed.

They're being remodeled and its typical for walmart to close stores that are being remodeled. Beside the fact share holders want about 100 stores to be closed to help profits.
We have operations happening from coast to coast as we speak from Aberdeen Proving Ground. It is considered "testing" and it is not being conducted covertly...we don't advertise it either. We are doing things in Hawaii and Alaska too.