just stuff....


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2014
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with jobs on the go am always on the road and run across some neat stuff in my travels so decided to start a thread to remind myself where l was and a way to kill time evenins...days are just a blur and weekends a distant memory of days gone by...

just finishing up a project in bonnyville alberta...sites generaly run 2-5 blds and l do the stone work on all

taught l saw a puddy cat at work....

local lake Moose Lake ..few minutes outside of Bonnyville

off to Edmonton tomorrow then ofto St Johns Nfld...should get some good shots there...
Is that a bird?! holy ****! lol I do not like bugs especially big ones.
Is that a bird?! holy ****! lol I do not like bugs especially big ones.

One-eyed Sphinx Moth (Smerinthus cerisyi)....were thousands on parts of the buildings..with all the lakes about make for a healthy hatch...harmless except to radiators
30+years of practice...knew it was just a mater of time before it clicked in :O)
Excellent work and good idea on the thread.
Wonderful idea to start this thread. Glad to be your family away from home.

Just curious...
How old are you?
You have the sensibilities of a man with many years under his toolbelt but you do the labor that would break a young man.
"You're the guy I'm yelling at every day "

actually no one yells at me..their generaly all very happy to see me roll in and move their projects along..is probally why their flying me all the way from alberta to st johns Nfld next week to do a resto on a bld..sometimes being good at what you do can be a curse..ie no time off

"Just curious...
How old are you?
You have the sensibilities of a man with many years under his toolbelt but you do the labor that would break a young man. '

lm kinda a weird duck...lm a Manitoba country boy from way back..they breedim hardy up here or they don't last long...spent 5 years in Europe growin up as a base brat playing in castles and bunkers...ex army,commercial diver,ex hunting guide ext..grandmother said get a trade and if you want you can try anything you want and if it dosnt work out you always have a trade to fall back on..best advise l ever got...
on my own since 16 due to family issues..probally similar to many folks here...many of us just made and followed our own roads....made many mistakes and learned from most...

with age have learned l just cant do everything so delegate where needed..l let the young bucks do the heavy lifting as the aches and pains are adding up..l should be sitting in truck yelling at folks but am still on the line..

age? pushin 58...born 58...wana live to 200 or better...hopefully science or aliens kicks in as lve got way to many questions l need awnsers to
in the end l just try to be a good person..karma and all that crap

canola fields NE alberta on way to Edmonton...pics don't do them justice...need to find a hands free type camera for on the road...miss to many things

welp finished Edmonton projects and this week finds my butt going from a cheesey motel
to a decent hotel and on on a plane heading as far east in Canada as l can get..St Johns Newfoundland...can honestly say l serve customers from coast to coast and everything in between now..not shure many masons can say that...anyway not drivein all the way there so parked in local Park and fly and headed off....

made it to the airport and seen this abomination at Edmonton airport..no wonder folks have me travelin across the country to do their work..lotta crappy shoemakers out there tryin to pass themselves of as masons

Anyway am at airport and it all gos to hell in a handbasket..typical...st jons has a runway down for maitenence and bad weather so no onbe can fly in and they have a weeks backlog tryin to get in there so find myself flying from Edmonton to Toronto then to montreal where lm stuck for 2 days then off to Halifax then on to st johns newfoundland...why me..3 days to get across the country ..realy>?*&*^*%%...so whats to do in montreal?...honestly can say lve never been here before..probally because of the French connection....they can get weird...will deal with a newfie all month long but avoid the French like the plague..they can get somewhat condescending towards non French speaking folks..hate to generalize but is the case
lotta old architecture here that l wouldn't mind seeing but will see what the day brings...so what to do in montreal.....
...as the world turns.....
Guaranteed that it is owned by (south asian) Indians...
2;00 am....4 days later...Edmonton-Toronto-montreal-Halifax-st johns newfoundland...talk about getting bounced around....was susposed to be one stop in Toronto buttttt nooooo.....one runway down in st johns and bad weather left a weeks back log of folks tryin to get here...talk about a cluster........
wont even start about the Air Canada trip interruption brocher they gave me with the numbers that were non funtionable and the landing in St Johns was the scareyest one yet for me and lve flown a lot....and its bloody windy on this rock

on the bright side the digs lve got here are five star and the jobsites across the road...but dam its cold here with the wind...why l left my cold weather gear at home l have no idea....senility perchance
l hate flying these days....used to love it...now l cant be bothered
3 am..l think...tommorows another day on the rock...ZZZZzzzzzzz
If that was an American city, weathermen would be rioting, looting, and Al Roker would have shown up and given a press conference...
On that picture of the Canola field...very nice (yeah...I am slow...LOL)

They are actually talking about planting some down here in Alabama.

Years ago, this was all cotton and soybeans, but now corn is king (you can guess why...ethanol...)

And Winter Wheat is big too, who woulda thunk?

Keep the pics coming!

2;00 am....4 days later...Edmonton-Toronto-montreal-Halifax-st johns newfoundland...talk about getting bounced around....was susposed to be one stop in Toronto buttttt nooooo.....one runway down in st johns and bad weather left a weeks back log of folks tryin to get here...talk about a cluster........
wont even start about the Air Canada trip interruption brocher they gave me with the numbers that were non funtionable and the landing in St Johns was the scareyest one yet for me and lve flown a lot....and its bloody windy on this rock

on the bright side the digs lve got here are five star and the jobsites across the road...but dam its cold here with the wind...why l left my cold weather gear at home l have no idea....senility perchance
l hate flying these days....used to love it...now l cant be bothered
3 am..l think...tommorows another day on the rock...ZZZZzzzzzzz
Keep chiseling ,there's not many you guys left it's a dying trade I've got a stone mason at my work and he's an artist .
welp..time for a another installment of where the heck do l live..haven't seen my own bed since april...sigh...

Basic reno job...takeing these buildings and putting stone on the bottom four feet and all tower entrances to be done in stone....belive there is about a dozen here..just doing the one this season
