Old Man with a Hat
You all gave us this.....
OMG..... They have no clue about history.
OMG..... They have no clue about history.
It never ceases to amaze me how many so called educators deny the holocast actually happened. There are a lot of very smart stupid people in our schools.
you seem like a pretty level headed dude for your age and you can spell. love it.I feel American Society loves to keep people ignorant. Religion, Alcohol, Mass Media, Television, Public Education, Technology. Are all ways to keep us down and Makes us Sheep. Freedom of thought and A Clear consciousness are never encouraged in our times. 120 years ago all we had for Entertainment was Reading. Frank Zappa said "We are in a post Illiterate Generation" no one reads anymore, and look how much it shows. George Carlin said "Everyone has a phone that will rub their balls and make them waffles so no one wants to rock the Boat" A Free mind is a feared mind.
My Dad was 44 when He had me so, He already had a ton of life Experiences to teach me. All my friends are having kids and they barley are out of High school. You just cant really raise a kid when your still a kid yourself. I avoid most things others partake in that are in my Age. That is why i am on here. I am a Slave for Knowledge and you guys have it in Copious amounts. I am always willing to learn and am a Very Humble spirit.
10k is cheap... but you're right, a mathematics teacher has no call to speak to world views. I can see it for someone teaching subjects that are relevant, but they should be cautious not to be or show biased opinions. Almost every week there is another teacher on the news for inappropriate relations with a student... Are they all child molesters? My sister in-law worked as a teacher and then went into administration. The politics are stupid in education, and every politician seems to have another dumbass plan so they can claim to be fixing the problem.Unfortunately, many teachers these days, especially in universities, are left wing ideologists that have ruined the educational system. They feel an obligation, mostly because they feel they are better than everyone else, the necessity to preach their own ideology to everyone else instead of doing what they were hired to do....TEACH THE CURRICULUM and go home! I don't need to hear your biased views on religion or birth control, or abortion or Obama or Sanders or Clinton or Trump or Cruz or Rubio for that matter or gun control or global warming, when I'm paying you 10k a year to learn electrical engineering or whatever I'm taking....STFU!!! And do what you were paid to do! Teach me how to generate electricity from rubbing rocks together or splitting atoms or whatever. Don't lecture me or my kids on YOUR meaning of life. That's up to me.