Just wanna thank the 60's generation

I'm 44 and was (thankfully) raised by my grandparents (b.1924). You wouldn't believe how many times a day I find myself at odds with some "popular thought". And yes, I cannot believe the general stupidity of the world today.

One thing I remember was many people used to say "Are we in Russia now?" (meaning Soviet Union) every time there was another loss of a freedom. Now I hear "Well if you aren't doing anything wrong, why do you care?" Quite the shift in attitudes as the WWII generation passes.
There's been a general dumbing down of education for the past 25 years or so. I worked my butt off to get my kids in a school district that actually teaches something. That's not the norm.

It's going to get worse... The general lack of historical knowledge is going to doom us to repeat history. There's no excuse either... There's a wealth of information at our fingertips and many do not take advantage of it.

But... ask about the Kardashians... They all know about them.
That is so discusting. And the teachers all want more money for the government schools
That is appalling!! I have personally taught my oldest(16) about the haulicaust and other events of ww2. We have watched movies and read articles on it. It is something that should NEVER be forgotten. It's something I won't let be forgotten.Sadly though it seems it has taken a backseat to electric cars and what "words" to be offended by. This sickens me. My family is mostly comprised of Irish/Scottish ancestry. That I know of,none of my family had been through the haulicaust. Strangely enough my Irish father took a job as a manager (after GM retirement) of the haulicaust museum near Farmington Hills MI. I recently took a tour and boy let me tell you when you see a real Auschwitz train car in person it will shake you to your core. If it doesn't , your not human. You and you alone are responsible for the education of your children..... Don't rely on .gov for anymore than you have to!
It never ceases to amaze me how many so called educators deny the holocast actually happened. There are a lot of very smart stupid people in our schools.
It never ceases to amaze me how many so called educators deny the holocast actually happened. There are a lot of very smart stupid people in our schools.

The Allied Forces decision to bring local German people through the camps and to document the aftermath was so this wouldn't happen.... It couldn't be denied by anyone.... and yet it is.
I feel American Society loves to keep people ignorant. Religion, Alcohol, Mass Media, Television, Public Education, Technology. Are all ways to keep us down and Makes us Sheep. Freedom of thought and A Clear consciousness are never encouraged in our times. 120 years ago all we had for Entertainment was Reading. Frank Zappa said "We are in a post Illiterate Generation" no one reads anymore, and look how much it shows. George Carlin said "Everyone has a phone that will rub their balls and make them waffles so no one wants to rock the Boat" A Free mind is a feared mind.

My Dad was 44 when He had me so, He already had a ton of life Experiences to teach me. All my friends are having kids and they barley are out of High school. You just cant really raise a kid when your still a kid yourself. I avoid most things others partake in that are in my Age. That is why i am on here. I am a Slave for Knowledge and you guys have it in Copious amounts. I am always willing to learn and am a Very Humble spirit.
A company I worked for was owned by. Survivor. Had the tattoo on his forearm. That guy didn't have an ounce of victim or bitterness in him. I think that whole generation could teach our current society a lot
I'm here to tell ya that the government schools HATE parental participation in their childrens' education. Informed and involved parents scare the **** out of most school districts these days. I took my boys out of school for three years and homeschooled them, after both were violently attacked and the school refused to do anything about it; indeed, they punished the perps, AND my sons because the schools felt that "it wasn't proper to punish just one side of the altercations" - WTF??? I called the media, my attorney and the school superintendent after my oldest was assaulted by three punk-*** kids. THAT scared the **** out of the principal, even with four other teachers and the school cop in the room, trying their best to intimidate ME into saying nothing...didn't work! Of course, the principal's incompetence was rewarded a few years later by becoming the principal of the HIGH school! I ran for school board in 2002. THAT scared the dog piss out of the administrators! I lost, but not by much. I fervently wish my property taxes did NOT go to the school district I live in.
Since we are on the Subject of the Holocaust. Its time for some truly tasteless jokes, that will make me look like a dick.

What did every german boy want for Christmas?
A G.I Jew and a Easy bake oven.

Hiw much did Holly cost?
6 million.
IMHO, and not to offend any teachers here, but the majority of teachers live in their own little world. The ones that have their feet on the ground are those that have actually worked in the private sector and understand the real world.

I was very lucky that I went to a vocational school where many of my teachers were of the "greatest generation" and understood how life works. You can't beat learning from someone that went to school on the GI bill after fighting in WWII and/or Korea.
I feel American Society loves to keep people ignorant. Religion, Alcohol, Mass Media, Television, Public Education, Technology. Are all ways to keep us down and Makes us Sheep. Freedom of thought and A Clear consciousness are never encouraged in our times. 120 years ago all we had for Entertainment was Reading. Frank Zappa said "We are in a post Illiterate Generation" no one reads anymore, and look how much it shows. George Carlin said "Everyone has a phone that will rub their balls and make them waffles so no one wants to rock the Boat" A Free mind is a feared mind.

My Dad was 44 when He had me so, He already had a ton of life Experiences to teach me. All my friends are having kids and they barley are out of High school. You just cant really raise a kid when your still a kid yourself. I avoid most things others partake in that are in my Age. That is why i am on here. I am a Slave for Knowledge and you guys have it in Copious amounts. I am always willing to learn and am a Very Humble spirit.
you seem like a pretty level headed dude for your age and you can spell. love it.
Unfortunately, many teachers these days, especially in universities, are left wing ideologists that have ruined the educational system. They feel an obligation, mostly because they feel they are better than everyone else, the necessity to preach their own ideology to everyone else instead of doing what they were hired to do....TEACH THE CURRICULUM and go home! I don't need to hear your biased views on religion or birth control, or abortion or Obama or Sanders or Clinton or Trump or Cruz or Rubio for that matter or gun control or global warming, when I'm paying you 10k a year to learn electrical engineering or whatever I'm taking....STFU!!! And do what you were paid to do! Teach me how to generate electricity from rubbing rocks together or splitting atoms or whatever. Don't lecture me or my kids on YOUR meaning of life. That's up to me.
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Unfortunately, many teachers these days, especially in universities, are left wing ideologists that have ruined the educational system. They feel an obligation, mostly because they feel they are better than everyone else, the necessity to preach their own ideology to everyone else instead of doing what they were hired to do....TEACH THE CURRICULUM and go home! I don't need to hear your biased views on religion or birth control, or abortion or Obama or Sanders or Clinton or Trump or Cruz or Rubio for that matter or gun control or global warming, when I'm paying you 10k a year to learn electrical engineering or whatever I'm taking....STFU!!! And do what you were paid to do! Teach me how to generate electricity from rubbing rocks together or splitting atoms or whatever. Don't lecture me or my kids on YOUR meaning of life. That's up to me.
10k is cheap... but you're right, a mathematics teacher has no call to speak to world views. I can see it for someone teaching subjects that are relevant, but they should be cautious not to be or show biased opinions. Almost every week there is another teacher on the news for inappropriate relations with a student... Are they all child molesters? My sister in-law worked as a teacher and then went into administration. The politics are stupid in education, and every politician seems to have another dumbass plan so they can claim to be fixing the problem.
Politics are intertwined into education. To paraphrase Goerge Carlin again, we just make the passing scores lower when the kids get dumber. "All you need to get a diploma is a pencil."
Just had my first child in 2015, it should be quite interesting to see what skoolz are going to be like circa 2020-2032. I've thus far only been a second-hand witness to what passes for education, and to be honest, I always thought my schooling experience was fairly poor (class of '90). However, there were a few standout teachers...

If anyone is interested, I am working on a book concerning my experiences in the auto industry. In one of the chapters, I actually mention how a teacher impacted my life. I'll post a few paragraphs below to show how much effect a good teacher can have.

In the fifth grade, another tough Italian entered my life. This time in the form of a 5th grade teacher named Victor Anthony Gizoni. The elementary school world until then had been daily naptimes and soft-spoken grandmotherly teachers with gray hair in a bun. Mr. Gizoni was as loud as a shotgun and bald as an eagle. We all knew he was a wrestler, but only in researching this book did I realize he was a two-time NCAA champion with moves named in his honor. He was also THE teacher who could quickly put an end to youthful mischief with just eye-contact. In a nutshell, he scared the hell out of us kids and probably a good number of the faculty. At the time, I had no idea that he’d had chosen a career path in teaching after being influenced by Dr. William Harris, a coach who had molded him from an 95-pound runt with little self-confidence into a national athletic champion and Bronze Star veteran of the Korean War.

I had rebelled against teachers who had coddled me, or pronounced that I would end up marginally literate because of whatever wacky-hippie theory was prevailing at the time. Ironically, I recall one that associated being overly cautious on stairs with illiteracy... Your author is still careful when descending stairs. I suspect a man like Victor Gizoni, who told us; “If you think you’re beaten, you are.” had little patience for defeatist theories. In place of such nonsense, he piled on responsibilities and expectations. He took the most rough-edged of us 11-year-olds and made us school crossing guards, replete with ungodly-early meetings and hot coffee. In today’s world; rather than being thanked, he would probably be charged with violating child labor laws.

I’ve spent a paragraph on this topic to explain that Mr. Gizoni also pushed me to be a voracious reader, challenging me to read books well beyond my grade level. I gravitated towards historic accounts of the auto industry and contemporary trade journals like Automotive News, Ward’s Auto, etc… He just wanted me to read; if I found the topic interesting then I suppose that made his job easier. Later, I would have teachers who would be critical of my technical, non-fiction reading choices. They found it odd and would even discourage me from reading such material. Would they ever question a child who dreams of being a rock star and reads Rolling Stone? It’s funny; actually sad, the way our contemporary society embraces the pop-culture/entertainment prodigy and discourages the technical mind. Of course it’s not surprising because a segment of university culture has been lecturing that science and technology are the enemies of society for generations.
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