Just wanna thank the 60's generation

Had we not nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the planned late 1945-early 1946 invasion of the Japanese homeland would've cost an estimated 600K - 750K American and other Allied lives. The nukes ended the war in Japan. Was that a good choice? Damn right it was a good choice!
Fifty-one THOUSAND, in just ONE battle. Here. On American soil.

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So, what ONE American was responsible, is my question? All of the men I mentioned committed genocide on their own people, mostly unarmed civilians. War is war. Yes, there were many civilian casualties in the Civil War, but no one can name a single-source responsible for those deaths. Some blame Lincoln and call him a mass murderer like those mentioned above, which I think is pure bullshit.
So, what ONE American was responsible, is my question? All of the men I mentioned committed genocide on their own people, mostly unarmed civilians. War is war. Yes, there were many civilian casualties in the Civil War, but no one can name a single-source responsible for those deaths. Some blame Lincoln and call him a mass murderer like those mentioned above, which I think is pure bullshit.
You missed my point but it's s irrelevant.
Teachers should present facts. That's it! I hate to put them all in the same group as I know they are not all the same. I cannot afford to homeschool only because I've taken career paths that require my back and hands to do actual work. I do keep a close eye on my kids school curriculum and call bullshit as I see it. Educate them with facts.Do not indoctrinate them with your ideology. That's my job!!!

History of the world in 180 hrs. A teacher just presenting the facts would not make it half way through the 19th century just sticking to U.S. History, let alone the whole world. Teachers job in the case of subjects like history, music, art is to spark a interest so they will hopefully look into it further and learn it, if they spread some of their ideology is not a bad thing to be exposed different ideas, not forced to believe them but exposed, sorry to tell you they are going to be exposed to it someday why not get them forming their opinions early. It is your job to call B.S., indoctrinate, look out for your kids, a teacher just spewing facts sounds like a good way to fall asleep.
Lets not forget Japan attacked us, then every battle we fought after that they refused to surrender. The unfortunate lives lost were far less had we had to go in and invade them.
absolutely. best way to think about it is that if they'd had nukes they would have used them mercilessly and with no regrets what so ever against us and so many others. they would have celebrated if they had defeated us in this way and how would they have treated us afterwards. not quite so kind as we were to them.
absolutely. best way to think about it is that if they'd had nukes they would have used them mercilessly and with no regrets what so ever against us and so many others. they would have celebrated if they had defeated us in this way and how would they have treated us afterwards. not quite so kind as we were to them.
Those 2 bombs established the principle of MAD which prevented the subsequent Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war. The Russians and Chinese knew we had the balls to push the button.
FWIW, Truman knew nothing about the A-Bomb until Roosevelt died. You can blame many others for that, if you want to that is.

One thing that wasn't taught to me in school was how savage the Japanese were to the Chinese. Their orders were to rape and kill their way through China and from all accounts, they followed their orders to the letter. That's not just a few guys... The invading army did that. I've never found a good source of how many civilians died. 15 million??
I can agree with that to an extent. It could get boring in a fact based classroom. I still don't think it's right for Mr. McTeacher to teach history or social studies according to Mr. McTeacher. Teaching should be done without bias. Yes lead them to an idea, start them on a path to think for themselves , but do not pass on what you "believe" the truth without knowing/proving it as fact.
When little Johnny walks into class with his NRA shirt on, I don't believe Mr. McTeacher should be able to push his leftist BS on Johnny in anyway. Teachers are under appreciated and under paid. None the less I'd still like to kick the **** out of anybody that tells my kids guns are evil!
I can agree with that to an extent. It could get boring in a fact based classroom. I still don't think it's right for Mr. McTeacher to teach history or social studies according to Mr. McTeacher. Teaching should be done without bias. Yes lead them to an idea, start them on a path to think for themselves , but do not pass on what you "believe" the truth without knowing/proving it as fact.
When little Johnny walks into class with his NRA shirt on, I don't believe Mr. McTeacher should be able to push his leftist BS on Johnny in anyway. Teachers are under appreciated and under paid. None the less I'd still like to kick the **** out of anybody that tells my kids guns are evil!
I agree, I always taught my kids, "Guns don't kill people, the stupid idiot with the gun kills people"
Unfortunately the assholes of the world tend to be armed...
That is why we the ones who are not A-holes should be able to defend themselves. Everyone should have the right to protect themselves. But they should also have the training to protect themselves without hurting innocent people.
There is a reason we keep killing. There is also a reason we justify it. Hate is in our DNA and it is why we try to justify killing. Genocide is a term to define removing a gene pool. Genghis Khan effectively changed the gene pool of Poland by killing all the males and impregnating all the fertile females. Hitler tried to exterminate all the Jews in Europe. Those acts qualify as genocide as they targeted groups for elimination. The US government tried to accomplish the same by placing a bounty on Bison grazing the Great Plains thus removing the source of existence of the local tribes.

Not every mass killing is genocide. The bombing of Japan in August of 1945 with atomic weapons was tainted by the planners in my opinion. We knew how they treated our POW's. We knew how cruel they were and they were abusive to the extreme to everyone they captured. The target should have been the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. I still hate Japs for how they both treated and think of everyone not Jap. One of many evil despicable groups of humans on earth.
We are not more than beasts of nature. The single thing that differentiates us from our animal brethren is our ability to reason. Every other species on this earth acts out of instinct. Pure instinct, no conscience , no reasoning. If there's a treat, they eliminate the threat. We as humans are the worst of all the species. We know choice. And we choose to rape murder and rob our own. Evil exists only with humans.....