Kids, Kars and why I don't butcher them.

The way Dave's son is being apparently raised raises my respect for Dave even higher.
Good job, driver.
In all honesty, he makes it easy. He has a almost dead level temperament, even keeps me calm at times or can at least throw some dry humor at me when I'm getting upset about something. Thank you nonetheless.
Dave wears an ugly hat
I am in the market for a new one.
That’s kinda like the one he was wearing at the Nats.:lol:
Wow.When i was a scrawny little 8 year old my father won a year lease on a 72 Imperial for a year.That car just swallowed you up sitting in the back seat.Seeing your cute daughter sleeping on that comfy monaco folded cloth seat brought back memories.The Imperial had gold brocade.heh.Pepole can have their muscle cars which is fine,but to cruise you need a Chrysler product.Her brother and sister Dodge and Plymouth are of course lovingly included.Love the Monaco brougham coupes and sedans.Congrats.B.B