I got the Timken bearings from Rock Auto.
I got it all installed and I'm having an issue getting the end play to less than .030". When I started, the end play with the old bearings was a little more than I prefer, about .022". I noticed one of the foam gaskets was missing on one side... I think it was removed to get the end play down. My initial check was .040" so I removed both the new foam gaskets and that got it down to about .030"
A look into the center section shows the center spacer to be there, but unknown condition.
This is frustrating... I never have a problem setting the endplay and I've had a bunch of these apart over the years. The thought occurred to just push it out and set the car on fire... But I regained my composure and closed the garage doors and went in the house.
The plan now is to remove the backing plates and clean those surfaces up. They have gaskets that have obviously been glued into place. Once I first saw that, my intentions were just leave it alone, now I want to check for any issues and use fresh gaskets. I also decided to pull the trigger on the sure-grip unit since I'm probably going to pull the center section to check the center spacer anyway. I had been thinking about swapping the open center for a sure-grip anyway.
Has anyone used an aftermarket sure-grip?