1970 Fury III 440/727/8.75. Eaton Detroit Leaf Springs ML725 Installed with IKC1000 Install Kit
This is right side leaf spring. Left side is that same procedure.
· Lower shock: axle on jack stands. ¾”ls & gun to remove nut & curved washer. Rag around a Pipe to pry off shocks. Jacked axle off stands. Jackstands under rear subframe, wooden blocks to inside of opening to access front hanger nuts. Jack under axle at full extension down. Jackstand under RS axle. Keep right side from falling down.
· WD-40: all fasteners. I used 4 applications of WD-40 to all fasteners over 6 days prior to doing the job. Then I applied it before removing each fastener. In all deference to John
@Big_John (who is very knowledgeable and whose advice I regularly seek out and who recommended PB Blaster & the nut buster) this car has been garage kept. There was no need for anything stronger than WD-40, so I went with Dave’s
@polara71 recommendation of using WD-40. Also, WD-40 is just a magical chemical for taking squeak out of door hinges, making hood hinges open easily, getting nuts off rusty bolts, etc. As you will see, WD-40 worked out fine with this car. I’ll keep PB Blaster and the nut buster in mind for rustier situations.
· U-bolt nuts: with ¾” ls & impact gun. U-Bolt-Shock Plate: remove. U-bolts: remove. Note IKCC1000 U-bolts are 1.125” longer than factory and really need to be cut to be used on 1970 Fury suspension. My factory U-bolts were in good condition from when I added 3.23 sure grip 8.75” axle and recycled 8.25” axle in 2016. I reused the factory u-bolts.
· Rear Spring Hanger/Mount: remove 3 bolts: 9/16”ss, ½” bb & rat. Guide rear end of spring onto cardboard on floor. Front Spring Hanger/Mount: Remove 4 nuts holding the front spring mount, 9/16 ls, ½ R, 9/16 ls, 3/8 stub R. Removed upper nuts 1st. Hanger: push to rear & let down with the front of the spring. (Having an assistant helps)
· Front Spring Eye: Spring in vise. 15/16” ss & ½” bb & pipe on nut; 15/16” ls & ½ BB & pipe on bolt head. Remove nut & bolt. Compare to install kit bolt. OEM has larger bolt head. OEM has much more smooth surface and is 1/8” longer than the IKC1000 bolt. Very little of bolt extends out now. Did not like Eaton shorter bolt and coarse thread. Decided to reuse factory bolt and nut.
Front Hanger
Factory Spring Eye Bolt: Check out length beyond nut
Factory bolt below. Can't lose that 1/8"
· Rear Shackle: Place rear of spring in vise. 11/16” ls, ½ BB & R, remove both nuts. Slide offset bracket off of shackle. Slide shackle & hanger out of spring.
Spring Comparison
· IKC1000 install kit, bushings: springs are 2.5” wide. Bushings fit exactly at spring eye, even though the shackles are wrong, because of no offset. Upper bolt at rear hanger is wider. 2.5” bushings will leave gap of at least .75”. Need a center bushing to compensate. Left factory bushings in place because they felt tight and didn’t show much wear.
You need bushings for the rear spring eye or you buy the $74.99 kit. I spoke on the phone with Mike at Eaton Detroit Springs about the shackles being wrong, but I need to update that information with the information that a set of bushings from the install kit must be supplied with the springs, or you can’t do the job.
Split bushings installed in rear spring eye