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Almost forgot! The V8/6/4 thing. At least there was an fix for that one, in the aftermarket. Then the infamous Cadillac (4.1, 4.5?) aluminum blocks. Moritz had stacks of them behind the shop.
I had the pleasure of working with some people who had similar traits. ‘He needs to stay out of the shop.’ - I aided in reducing delays, by giving people like that ‘something shiny’...I am disturbed by Lee's many references to Consumer reports. I've found them to be one of the least reliable of market product evaluation, Often applying results from one evaluation to other untested product. of all kinds. I would not trust anything from them to be a reliable reference.
Lee has been around the auto industry for a long time and has accomplished some remarkable marketing successes. But he likes to claim credit for product that he had little to do with. While he is a great bean counter his engineering and design talent leave a lot to be desired.
He needs to stay out of the shop.
I had a 79 Mustang with 2.3L turbo. They didn’t make many and wouldn’t release performance specs. Turbo never worked in mine.In spite of all the problems with cars from this era ,it was a very exciting time of innovations being finally available to the general public. Fuel injection,turbo's,computers,sensors etc. Being a young man at the time it was a new way to skin a cat as they say. It definitely had it's teething problems for sure. I guess I put Ford #1 of the top 3 cause I never owned one!! But i was intrigued with the SVO Mustang and Tbird rwd turbos.
Iacocca realized Bob Lutz wasn't cut out for the business side either.
Us Dealers realized that as well very quickly....worst move we made next to not promoting Landry
I've found them to be one of the least reliable of market product evaluation,
I know this straight from Iacocca, mostly regarding product... But what's the dealer side?
Almost forgot! The V8/6/4 thing
I am going to see if I can find a copy. In the meantime, I am watching this:One of the best books I've read as it pertains to the auto industry was
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Wildly entertaining.
I am going to see if I can find a copy. In the meantime, I am watching this:
I disagree. There's plenty of those types of books out there about plenty of people. The author's "style" can occasionally get in the way. I prefer it straight out of the horse's mouth, or in this case, several horse's mouths and make up my own mind. To each his own I suppose.View attachment 370898
I read this when it was first published and again a couple years ago. I did enjoy it but I can't help but think that the story would be vastly different if written by a knowledgeable author and well researched then it is in the autobiographical sense.
I hear ya Matt, that's still a pretty cool collectors item to have.I have my dad’s signed copy I just have to find time to read it. Reading puts me right to sleep...
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Yes I agree. From best to worst I would rate it Ford,GM, Chrysler in that order. Maybe GM and Chrysler is a tie. What do you guys think?