long lost member, but back now


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2014
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Omaha nebraska
P1010347.jpgP1010348.jpgP1010352.jpgit's great to be back, and am enjoying the activity around all the old mopars. One of a few, is my 1966 Polara. Purchased in 199 with 18,000 miles, now up to 24,600. Just like my Polara in 1971 while in the military. those were the days!
it co-habitates with a very rare CE23L77xxxxxx 67 Newport with the 440 magnum. Manual steering, no A/C and only option is Power disc brakes and 15' wheels. I hope to hear of other great c bodies here



Welcome back to the site from the Motor City! That car is a beaut, let's see the Chrysler.
Enough about the Polara.. Show me your Newport :D
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I should clarify that I have been a member of the FABO, but not the FCBO. It doesn't make much snse, since I have six C body cars sitting around as well. I'll post pictures of the 67' Newport when I can find them in the computer. Hopefully today. It is a strange bird,440HP,with the correct 541 transmission, just like the GTX. manual steering,power disc brakes, 15x6 rims, and painted top. It has the flow thru ventilation system as well, no A/C. The car was nearly crushed back in 1996, after it was discovered behind a gas station that was being torn down. The tow truck driver saw the chrome valve covers, and told his Dad. it got saved! Around 1999 I finally started it, what a beast!
The car was at the gas station to get a new front suspension installed. the owner apparently had a mental breakdown and was sent to the state mental hospital, where he died shortly thereafter. The car sat for 16 years until the tow truck driver came to move it. The state gave the title to the Building owner, somehow they had it from the mental patients belongings! I originally wanted it to Install the engine in another GTX. I have since acquired a correct drivetrain, so now I keep it around, undecided what to do next. Basically somebody wanted a GTX race car in a little more comfortable ride. Right now I'm restoring other cars. So, it is just a part of the family! it needs paint and interior, and has a few small rust spots, but nothing Important. Sorry if the post is too long, I really enjoy sharing the odd stories of how these cars survived the years.
SIX C-bodies! W0W!

We'll need to see a lot of pictures.
I posted more pictures, and I hope everybody enjoys them. I never show the cars, this is as close as anyone gets to seeing them.I love your tank and the right of way, I sent it to my son, who was in for six years,as a 35 Romeo.
Six C bodies and you're uncertain of what to do with the 67 Newport? Give it to Commando, he'll take good care of it. By the way it's a 440 TNT in a Chrysler, but you already know that...pet peeve of mine.
"the owner apparently had a breakdown and got sent to the Mental Hospital.
I can easily see how a C-body can do that to you...

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This is a sharp looking Polara!:cheers2:
I love the style next to the ragtops..
thank you! I had a 66 Polara in1971 while stationed in North Dakota. My only regret is my first one was a 500 with floor console and buckets.Burgundy and red Interior. I sure miss that car. But this one will have to do. I may upgrade the Interior to a 500, out of missing the original. standard Interior on these aren't as nice.