look at was just sent to me, Some how my car looks even better

Seems from the American Racing Facebook page, they go around to the bigger shows and have their models pose with cars that sport the AR wheels. Mine happened to get picked and shot, unbeknownst to me. It was a nice surprise, but must say I wish I had been at the car to meet the Blonde in person.

Oh well, I guess I will make up stories .........

The car looks great! Sucks you wernt there for it, but cool to see your car online later on. Mine ended up making it on the mothers wax page for the hot rod power tour back in 2011. Never knew about it till a friend sent a link... I got a big kick outa it.

When was this show? I've been outa the car show loop for a long while..

you can have busty blondes shipped to your home? where do i sign up?

Here ya go...
Here ya go... [URL said:

i like how none of the girls on the main page are named mary or elisabeth. Thanks former soviet union for sending us your women.