Looking for advice on valves, lifters etc.

It now appears you are on the edge of "the slope". You can pull things apart and fix only what's got real, significant damage . . . or do a complete rebuild, valve job, etc.
I am well aware of "The slope." I got pulled into it when I did the timing set. I want this to be a reliable car, I am going to go ahead and have the valves redone. I think it needs piston rings as well, it was starting to get more and more blow-by out of the oil filler cap and low vacuum readings. I already have it torn down so much, I might as well do bearings etc. I could put it back together and have it running again next week, but it would still have the same problems it had before.
Just my two cents Jon. You have the right idea about rebuilding due to the fact there may be more damage than you can see. Bent connecting rods and cracked pistons are possible. Hard to detect w/o a tear down. Word to the wise, don't go cheap on the rebuild. Bore the cylinders, new oil pump, new exhaust valves, cam and lifters. A good rebuild will wear out your car if maintained properly. Changing the transmission front pump seal and the rear tail shaft seal. Seals get hard w/ age. Replace scored rocker arms and rocker shafts. PM me if you have questions.
This has become a complete rebuild. I'm just getting started. This morning I dropped the heads off at a machine shop to be completely redone, and have the exhaust manifolds made flat again. What can be done to get as much mileage as possible out of this engine?