Senior Member
I feel the same way about the hoods up. Why in the hell do dealerships do it? To show all of the emission control ****, and then put a sign above the engine. *** clowns.
Convertibles only....that ticks me off! As if the rest of the C bodies are worthless. Even if I COULD go to that show, I'd boycott it.
Very cool Will, congratulations. I will be looking forward to meeting you. I already have plans to be up there to see my cousin that weekend. I still don't know if Goldie will be making the trip. I hope so.
Just what category are you in?
Looks like she will be the only mopar in the catagory and the only C body in the show. So I'll be carrying the C body flag .......
Contributions for gas money will be humbly accepted ........ :beermug:
Sorry. This is all I can afford to give:Contributions for gas money will be humbly accepted .......
Will......I see a 1st place trophy and a Best in Show award for you my friend!
Thanks Bob. Those are pretty high asperations for the Concorse d'Elegance. More than likely i'll be sharing space with some trailer queens. Jazebelles a road warrior.
Just being invited is reward enough.