WANTED Looking to buy a 1965-66 Imperial Convertible

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Oct 10, 2022
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Los Angeles
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I've sold my 1976 Eldorado that I've restored over the period of 5 years (and only lost 30% of my investment!) and have been looking to purchase a 1965-66 Imperial. It's the gorgeous wood paneling that attracts me so much to these models. If anyone is looking to sell theirs or knows someone who does, please let me know. I'm looking for a #3 or #2 car, with working A/C, and not much that requires immediate attention. Basically, after the Eldorado, I'd rather not embark on another restoration project (that would bankrupt me for sure). Thanks - appreciate any leads!
Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
Welcome! Good luck with your search. Working AC is a tall order...you may want to be a little lenient on that requirement for the right car.
Welcome! Good luck with your search. Working AC is a tall order...you may want to be a little lenient on that requirement for the right car.

Is that common to the Imperials of that era? I'm a lot more familiar with Cadillacs and have had good luck finding a car with the AC in tip top shape (I had a 1962 and a 1960). My last Cadillac - a 76 Eldorado - "just needed some freon" according to the seller; ended up spending around $3000 for that bit of freon :) But thanks a lot for the advice - it will temper my expectations!
Two-door, four-door or convertible?, anyhow, here's one you might like: 1966 Black Beauty Imperial LeBaron 4-Door Classic with White...
Thank you! It's a beautiful car! I am afraid, thought that I am looking for a convertible.
have you seen this ad?

I don't know what I'm doing but click on the link above, can anybody see the picture?
Thanks! At $60K it's out of my price range; looks like it's been sitting for over 5 years unsold, though. So, perhaps the seller would be willing to negotiate.
$16,900K on FB for the blue car.
$16,900K on FB for the blue car.
The blue car is actually below my budget; was hoping for something in a better shape; every car I've bought that required work - I ended up losing on average $15K when I sold it :)
The blue car is actually below my budget; was hoping for something in a better shape; every car I've bought that required work - I ended up losing on average $15K when I sold it :)
Fair enough. You're not keen on a '64?
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