Lost my #%@in' keys! '77 NYB


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FCBO Gold Member
Oct 23, 2023
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North Carolina
Hi y'all,

So a guy took a nice cruise (to the doctor's office) the other day, came home, then got a Lyft ride to go pick up my daily from the shop. Drove that home, and now a couple of days later I can't find the keys to Great White! I've given the house, car, garage and other car a thorough search, and reached out to the Lyft driver, to no avail. What are my options for getting a replacement set?

I think the first question is if the car is unlocked or not.

If you can get at it, probably the best way is to pop out a door and trunk lock and visit your local locksmith. Yes, the glove box is the same as the trunk, but some don't have the same number of tumblers.
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I think the first question is if the car is unlocked or not.

If you can get at it, probably the best way is to pop out a door and trunk lock and visit your local locksmith. Yes, the glove box is the same, but some don't have the same number of tumblers.
Fortunately, it's unlocked. Is there any way to find the key code? I've got the specific part numbers to order blanks, but don't know what the cut is. Is that info stashed away anywhere in the car? I'm sure Chrysler wouldn't have any records going back that far, right?
Fortunately, it's unlocked. Is there any way to find the key code? I've got the specific part numbers to order blanks, but don't know what the cut is. Is that info stashed away anywhere in the car? I'm sure Chrysler wouldn't have any records going back that far, right?
I don't think they go back that far. Might be worth a call to a good lock smith that's been in business for a while.

If you have a newer car, the VIN can get you new keys at the dealership (been there, done that).
I think the first question is if the car is unlocked or not.

If you can get at it, probably the best way is to pop out a door and trunk lock and visit your local locksmith. Yes, the glove box is the same as the trunk, but some don't have the same number of tumblers.
Agree with Big John; locksmith can fix your troubles!
i would look a little further. i bought a 55 desoto years ago from a guy in oklahoma. when i got the car shipped here the keys were missing. he told me someone had stole them out of the car before it was shipped to me. i said why wouldnt they steal the whole ******* car? anyway after i had keys made i found a set under the front seat carpet. just a thought.
I was lucky enough to find a set of dealership master keys.
I believe every dealership had a set of these? These are for 55-68. It comes in handy when I get as many cars as I do without keys.

Hallelujah! After turning the house and garage upside down, I decided to throw a Hail Mary and check with the supermarket I visited on the way home from the Hyundai dealership. They must have fell out of my pocket at the check-out! So I'm grabbing them this morning and making some copies, and getting an Airtag just in case. Thanks everybody for the suggestions!
Hallelujah! After turning the house and garage upside down, I decided to throw a Hail Mary and check with the supermarket I visited on the way home from the Hyundai dealership. They must have fell out of my pocket at the check-out! So I'm grabbing them this morning and making some copies, and getting an Airtag just in case. Thanks everybody for the suggestions!
Good idea regarding the air tag. We used them on our luggage when we took our month+ long honeymoon to Europe.
We’re going to put one on our dog, Lucy too.
So I'm grabbing them this morning and making some copies
Glad you were able to find your original set.

Do this for sure. We have a drawer in our house that has well catalogued copies of every key we use. House, mailbox, office, and cars.
When I was restoring my previous NJ SP 73 Fury III I noticed a piece of tape wrapped around the rear axle. It looked like the wide black tape found on cars, almost paper like. I unwrapped it and there was a key wired to the axle. My mechanic at the time said it was an old drag racers trick.
Glad you were able to find your original set.

Do this for sure. We have a drawer in our house that has well catalogued copies of every key we use. House, mailbox, office, and cars.
Good on ya! If I organized anything like that, my wife would shoot me thinking that an alien life form had taken over my body.
Glad you found your keys!

FWIW, a locksmith can come to your car, read your locks, and cut keys on the spot. I had to have that done a few years ago when I locked the keys in the trunk. I've since made several copies and have them in both of my dailies.
I have found the little black box with magnet on a few of my cars. Easy to hide and great when you need. I should source a few new ones if they are still being made.
I have found the little black box with magnet on a few of my cars. Easy to hide and great when you need. I should source a few new ones if they are still being made.
Good idea. However, for me, I’d have the challenge of remembering where I stashed them. Doh!
I've locked myself out of my vehicles too many times. I carry 2 sets of keys with me. One for which ever car I'm driving and one with ALL the car's keys. One morning I got a call from my wife, she locked herself out at work with the engine running! I found the extra key and opened up for her. How stupid can you be? Except a week later I did the same thing!!!! BUT, I had my extra keys with me!
I've locked myself out of my vehicles too many times. I carry 2 sets of keys with me. One for which ever car I'm driving and one with ALL the car's keys. One morning I got a call from my wife, she locked herself out at work with the engine running! I found the extra key and opened up for her. How stupid can you be? Except a week later I did the same thing!!!! BUT, I had my extra keys with me!
I learned that lesson with my first car that had electric door locks, elbow bumped the button getting out (luckily at home) with the keys left in the ignition. I was in a hurry thou and had a time waster going through drawers & boxes to find my spare set, after that with all cars it was a separate car only set of keys on a fob in the right pocket and a big set of all my other house/toolbox/car(s)/padlocks etc keys in the left pocket.
