Master Cylinder Bleeding Problem

The Raybestos master cylinder bled like a champ, and that's with silicone fluid, which is a bit harder to bleed than the standard stuff.

Raybestos does not include a bleeder kit in the box, and I'm not very impressed with the one that came with your reman. You may want to grab a decent kit off ebay or Amazon.

I like the style of fitting that come in this Raybestos kit the best. They are a straight-through design, which flows fluid the easiest. Unfortunately, the seller is in Texas, and it might take two weeks to get the kit with the way mail has been lately.

Standard SAE Brake Master Cylinder Hydraulic Bench Bleeder Kit | eBay

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Lots of places have these Thexton kits, which I consider the check valve style. The hose covers up the hole on the fitting and acts like a check valve while bleeding. In theory it's a better set-up, and can get more air out of a difficult m/cyl that the straight-through design can't. It just takes some extra muscle to overcome the check valve effect while bleeding, and isn't needed on most m/cyls. I've had one of these kits for over 30 years now.

Theton 346 One-Man Master Cylinder Bleeder Kit | eBay

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It looks like Dorman makes a kit too. You might be able to find one locally at an Auto Zone or Advance Auto.

Dorman 13911 HELP! Master Cylinder Bleeder Kit | eBay

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This is why when you part a car, you always grab the master cylinder fittings and lines. Cut them at the flex coil and take the line and fitting as one piece. You can soak the pieces apart later or just use as the bleeder back into master reservoir.
Update, I got the Raybestos MC and picked up the Dorman bleed kit. Unbelievable how easy it was to bleed. The piston went all the way in and returned with out issue. I was also able to return the Fenco reman for a refund. Thanks for the advice all!
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Glad you got a good one. That is the only master cylinder I have ever seen with a blackened finish, looks nice!