May we never forget ! 911

As long as we remain in fear we will continue to be controlled by those who instill the fear.

Who is the largest producer of weapons on the planet? Who has the largest military budget on the planet? Who will gain the most by perpetuating a war with a fabricated boogie man? Follow the money.

I don't fear Islamic fundamentalists and their interpretation of Sharia law EVER setting foot on our soil because we already have Christian fundamentalists here and they're not going to share the market with them. I fear the continued degradation of our American quilt. The separating and severing of the threads that tie us together as a nation. Politically I don't consider myself a democrat nor do I consider myself a republican. I am an American and I want what is best for my country not my team. View attachment 59828

We no longer live in a republic. The country is now an oligarchy. At the level of government in which policy decisions are being made there are no democrats or republicans. There are only special interest representatives doing the bidding of their sponsors. They're running a business like any other business. Make a profit. Unfortunately the profits are being made at the expense of the workers.

Why are there more people trying to sustain themselves off the system? Why are more and more people losing their jobs, houses and watching as they're American dream fades away? Follow the money. I point to Clinton and his giving most favored nation status to China AND selling us all out with NAFTA. Don't get me started on Reaganomics.
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I will never forget 9/11 because that for me symbolizes the day we got caught with our pants down and we are still getting (@*$#^ but those who created the situation and essentially allowed it to happen. I don't want to debate all the conspiracy theories out there but it is a fact that the FBI knew about those &$&#(. It is also a fact that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 yet he got the crap beat out of him for it. Read "Ghost wars" by Steve Coll and tell me how Osama got to where he was on our *&^% list and when he got there. Look up "Operation Ajax" and tell me why you think the students in Iran were a little pissed off at us.

Ever since the end of WW1 there has been a constant struggle of who will control the earths resources. Who will be the next empire? It's pretty clear to me who has come out on top and why. But for how long? At what cost to the earth's population? Are you better off now than you were before Reaganomics? Statistically no, you are not.

As long as we keep fighting amongst ourselves the longer the 1% (to coin the popular term)will continue to dictate the direction of OUR country.
Wow, abloch, you really equate Christian fundamentalists with Islamic fundamentalists? That is a HUGE stretch.
Who is it that is attacking us Rwc?

53 Ryder, do your grandkids remember 12/7? How bout 2/15, 6/25 or 8/2? They will undoubtedly forget all of them. Sad.

I will remember 9/11 as the day our country was handed over to the global industrial military complex that Eisenhower warned his nation about in his farewell address. Fourteen years of perpetual war, without congressional approval or an end in sight. Sad.

So very true!
As long as we remain in fear we will continue to be controlled by those who instill the fear.

Who is the largest producer of weapons on the planet? Who has the largest military budget on the planet? Who will gain the most by perpetuating a war with a fabricated boogie man? Follow the money.

I don't fear Islamic fundamentalists and their interpretation of Sharia law EVER setting foot on our soil because we already have Christian fundamentalists here and they're not going to share the market with them. I fear the continued degradation of our American quilt. The separating and severing of the threads that tie us together as a nation. Politically I don't consider myself a democrat nor do I consider myself a republican. I am an American and I want what is best for my country not my team. View attachment 59828

We no longer live in a republic. The country is now an oligarchy. At the level of government in which policy decisions are being made there are no democrats or republicans. There are only special interest representatives doing the bidding of their sponsors. They're running a business like any other business. Make a profit. Unfortunately the profits are being made at the expense of the workers.

Why are there more people trying to sustain themselves off the system? Why are more and more people losing their jobs, houses and watching as they're American dream fades away? Follow the money. I point to Clinton and his giving most favored nation status to China AND selling us all out with NAFTA. Don't get me started on Reaganomics.
View attachment 59830

I will never forget 9/11 because that for me symbolizes the day we got caught with our pants down and we are still getting (@*$#^ but those who created the situation and essentially allowed it to happen. I don't want to debate all the conspiracy theories out there but it is a fact that the FBI knew about those &$&#(. It is also a fact that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 yet he got the crap beat out of him for it. Read "Ghost wars" by Steve Coll and tell me how Osama got to where he was on our *&^% list and when he got there. Look up "Operation Ajax" and tell me why you think the students in Iran were a little pissed off at us.

Ever since the end of WW1 there has been a constant struggle of who will control the earths resources. Who will be the next empire? It's pretty clear to me who has come out on top and why. But for how long? At what cost to the earth's population? Are you better off now than you were before Reaganomics? Statistically no, you are not.

As long as we keep fighting amongst ourselves the longer the 1% (to coin the popular term)will continue to dictate the direction of OUR country.

Excellent commentary. We are enslaved by the current system and have become descencitised from what true freedom really means. Day by day, since before that dark day in 2011, our liberties have been syphoned away as the govts tentacles invade all aspects of our lives.
Frank Zappa said. We are slowly becoming a "Candy Coated Dictatorship" not a Democracy. But this thread should be about remembering not politics...just my 2 cents.
Frank Zappa said. We are slowly becoming a "Candy Coated Dictatorship" not a Democracy. But this thread should be about remembering not politics...just my 2 cents.

Yes please for all of the victims and their families please keep this thread just about the horrific events of September 11, 2001



