Memorial Day

Newport 66

Old Man with a Hat
Aug 6, 2017
Reaction score
Lancaster, WI
The official kickoff to summer? But amongst the bbq's, 3 day wknd and graduation parties etc. Please remember what this time is really meant for. This is a time to remember and be thankful for all the men and women who sacrificed to preserve our way of life and the freedom we all cherish. "All gave some, some gave all" God bless our service men and women and all the Veterans. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!:usflag:
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I hope everybody has a safe and happy memorial day. Thanks to all who serve and have served. :usflag::thumbsup:
A very huge and special thank you to the service men and women who have served and are currently serving. Considering I don't think these people get enough recognition. At least in my opinion. I, on the other hand try to thank a vet when I can. So thank you for your sacrifice. I'm damn proud to be an American! Have a happy and safe holiday everyone :usflag::thankyou::elmer:
Just picked up a new flag at harbor freight today. I was post Vietnam Cold War era. We fought with more US citizens than we every fought with foreign nationals LoL!!!

Great times to be living in now that Vets are no longer disrespected as a normal course of events.

Have a great weekend everybody!!!!


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155mm M109 Howitzer.
To all My USMC brothers, Semper Fi!

And for our fallen brethren, We remember what it took to take that hill.
Memorial Day is special to all prior service members. Sometimes it makes me long for the days when it was still politically correct to want to shoot the commie bastards.

I would hope everyone takes a moment during there busy weekend to stop and remember why we have the freedoms we have. Freedom isn't free, heroes gave their lives for what we have.

I remember reading in a different thread that someone commented that they volunteered and they knew what they were getting into. I don't think when people enlist they think I wanna die.
Hug a vet, remember the fallen and if you love the fact that our military is volunteer, say thanks and show support for all the men and women that do what they do for our freedom.

Thank you all our past, present and future service members.

air force.jpg

These here were my babies while I served, looking back I really enjoyed my time in service of our great country.