Memorial Day

Thank you very much to all the veterans who gave their lives for this great country we live in and for the sacrifice that you made for my family and I to live free. As they say "land of the free because of the brave."

As they also say.....
I know it's Memorial Day.....

I just found out that there is only ONE Medal Of Honor recipient from WWII still alive!

Hershel W. Williams - Wikipedia

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They did a story about him on the local news last night. Very sharp for his age and a true American hero. Under heavy fire he incinerated a bunch of the enemy with his flame thrower in their pillboxes at Iwo Jima. Thank you for your bravery "Woody"
Very thankful for all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation. Our freedom isn't free and they paid the price for our way of life. I was very blessed to have gone overseas during Desert Storm and came back home.
Wife's uncle who never walked pain free again or talked about it much. Battle of the Bulge Yankee Division. Deserves a better pic.
In my opinion, every disable veteran should receive life long 100% benefits including, home, car, cash, medical, education, what ever it takes this country to show our respect, if that means taking some people off welfare. fine
Have a great weekend and enjoy your family and friends. Please take a moment to remember all those who gave all so we can enjoy our freedom and this great nation we call home