Mexican B-Body

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Don't leave out DeSoto

A Mexico-model Coronet. It would be awesome to have to hear people whisper, "that's not correct...." and know they're wrong!

That would be funny as hell ! I'd have stack of fact sheets to had their kids or buddies they were talking too.
In the 40's and 50's, Desoto Diplomats were the export models for Desoto and were basically Plymouths with Desoto grilles. Basically the same concept as the Canadian built Dodges in the 50's. In 60-62, Desoto Diplomats were rebadged Dodge Darts, and the 60-61 Diplomats had unique side trim different from Dodge's.



Desoto Diplomat wagon in New Zealand

Canadian Dodge Mayfair
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And there were Desoto trucks too.
This 57 Desoto Sweptside (with 56 Plymouth or Desoto Diplomat rear fenders) is probably one of the more unique models. But, I don't know if this was a production model or a one-off.

Then there was the Coronado in the 50's and early 60's. The Coronado was a limo version of Plymouths and were not available in the US.


But don't confuse this with the Valiant Coronado from Argentina based on a Dodge Dart.

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In order to keep manufacturing costs low, in the 70's Chrysler developed a full line of Desoto trucks with almost all flat surfaces. These were manufactured in Istanbul, Turkey.

This thread started in San Diego with a Dodge Coronet from a few miles south of there in Mexico. I feel I must now apologize for being largely responsible for taking this thread so far off topic that those who followed it got an unplanned tour around the world.

Now, can any of our Aussie members tell me if the tail lights on this Australian 1968 Dodge Phoenix are factory correct? I know the Phoenix 4 door hardtop had a higher level of trim than the 4 door post sedan, but this tail light arrangement doesn't look familiar (though I really like it). I'm guessing someone has just added an extra pair of tail lights to give it a bit of a custom look.
While you're looking, don't miss the late 40's Dodge pickup in the background with the "unibody" bed connected to the cab.


no, these taillights aren't correct for the 68 Dodge Phoenix in australia
no, these taillights aren't correct for the 68 Dodge Phoenix in australia

Thanks. I didn't think so. But, the more I look at it, the more I think Plymouth should have used that tail light treatment on the 68 Sport Fury and VIP. It would have been so easy as all it would take was an extra pair of outer tail lights.
Before Brazil got their own versions of American Darts, they had a GTX. A Chrysler GTX.


and the less sporty Chrysler Esplanada

When ever someone here on the For C-bodies Only Forum, refers to an Imperial in an abbreviated form of, "Imp", I'm always reminded that Chrysler did make a car called an "Imp", as both a Hillman Imp and a Sunbeam Imp. The Sunbeam Imp was sold in the US.


The Sunbeam version of the Imp was called Stiletto in Europe in the tradition of naming their cars after arms; was some fancy version that always came with a vinyl top; seen only once in person here in Germany.
In the 1970's Chrysler imported cars and pickups from Mitsubishi of Japan. While Dodge got the Colt, D-50, Pickup and a coupe named Challenger, Plymouth got the Plymouth Arrow. But that wasn't the first time Chrysler used the "Arrow" name on a production car that was sold in the US. In the late 60's, Sunbeam Arrow sedans and wagons were imported to the US.


Mitsubishi Plymouth Arrow


Coupe bodies on the Sunbeam Arrow Chassis were known as the Sunbeam Rapier in the UK, but were sold as Sunbeam Alpines in the US, even though they looked nothing like the 2 seater Alpine convertibles they replaced in the late 60's.

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