Mid-Ohio Mopars All Mopar Car & Truck Show, Swap Meet, Car Corral & Drag Racing


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
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Apple Creek, OH
Mid-Ohio Mopars 27th Annual All Mopar Car & Truck Show, Swap Meet & Car Corral & Drag Racing in conjunction with the newly updated Dragway 42!

June 15, 16, & 17, 2018 – see our website for details. www.midohiomopars.us

Car show on Saturday only. Everything else runs all 3 days! Show car, vendor or car corral registration gets you into all events. Pre-registration deadline for all is May 26, 2018.

Call Dave at 330-464-6613 for vendor pre-registration. Vendor pre-registration taken by phone only.

See Dragway 42 website for race information. www.dragway42.com
Ha funny , my 63 sport fury is from a old member of that Mopar-club.

The former owner of your car was one of our early members but he moved to Oregon. When did you purchase the car? moparguy69rr
The former owner of your car was one of our early members but he moved to Oregon. When did you purchase the car? moparguy69rr

I bought it from Mike about 6 years ago , he lived allready in Portland at that moment.....
If i,m correctly informed he and his dad bought it from the first owner who ownes a wine farm in North-California .
I still have it and the black plates.