Might be driving up to Atlanta

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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Contact seller
Just got off the phone.
Yah. It has A/C & 70k (unverified) miles.

How many $100 bills should I bring?


They also say it has a 4 cylinder. I bet you can take it for 5K.
Well, if that's the car and there is no hidden problems...$5000. I sure hope when you walk up to that car they don't say that car is $15,999.
No more than 5K and then still hold out since there can't be that many people coming by to look seriously. There are more cars than C lovers so you should have the upper hand.
45 is what I'm guessing. If you want I would love to go look at it tomorrow and report back to you. I'm in no market to buy it myself so no worries there.
Just got off the phone.
Yah. It has A/C & 70k (unverified) miles.

How many $100 bills should I bring?

Get them to send you a crap load of pictures before you travel, and bring a gun with you in the event that they badly misrepresent the car.

I have traveled to Tennessee, the border of Kentucky next to West Virginia, to Oklahoma and to Colorado, all just to drive home with an empty trailer and an unnerving need to do bodily damage to the next FN prick that lies to you. Two of the four were absent on my arrival and the other two played ignorant, like they barely even knew what a car was.
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I got new glasses...I don't see anything but reflections on the trunk lid.

Look about 8" northeast of the driver's side tailight, on top next to the bodyline.

Not sure, but I think I see a bumble on the left outside corner of the bumper and possibly one on the top ridge of the bumper about 16" in from the right side... Missing emblems on sail panel??? .... Need more pictures.

Looks like it could be a decent car... Need more pic.... .. .
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45 is what I'm guessing. If you want I would love to go look at it tomorrow and report back to you. I'm in no market to buy it myself so no worries there.

That's a nice offer, you need somebody to do that for you and you didn't even have to ask!
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