Might be the Big Sale of B-J

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Well, it's 2.15 in the morning, I live mostly in daytime after work. :)
I was busy rooferboy..........Twelve hour busy days, dinner, tired, wore out for a week, thats where I was..........

I hope I'm the guy on the left. Never been called rooferboy before but I kinda like it. ;)
Welcome back..... How was the ski trip....?

You gonna keep asking?

Kinda touchy.... arn't we....? I was talking to Gary....
Just that the two of you went missing from NJ at the same time.... just when this event was taking place.... If anybody can put 3 & 9 together this group can. Still don't know how Mark fit in all this.

Won't ask no more....... Just glad y'all had fun and didn't get any ski poles in the wrong place

Appreciate the concern bluefury.....wasn't skying though...far from it. Felt like cold turkey cause I had no access to the Internet for a time.
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