so, after a bit of delay due to bad weather, the patch is 80% done. I have to say i am terrible at welding. But it did come out satisfactory so far...since this is not a show car resto effort.
here is the bad metal cut out:
I tried to avoid having to weld in around the floor hard for me to fabricate those...
Here is the patches cut out and mostly fitted. I had a reproduction floor pan for the section with the curve but made the rear section from flat steel:
here is the first patch welded in (terribad welder)...note i burned thru a section the patch where it joined the existing rear section...thus requiring a patch to the patch :
second patch welded in + patch to the patch...80% complete at this point:
Still have to grind down the welds, primer it (did use weld thru on the 2nd, forgot on the first) and paint. Then will smear seam filler over all the welds to compete that part.
In testing the welds, i noticed a slight "give" in the center seam...and noticed in the cut out part there is was a curved brace section...see the pic below. I will either have to separate that piece from the old floorboard and weld it in...or am thinking about buying angle iron to weld in place.
so far so good. Depending on garage temps things will move along to be complete by end of January (sez hopefully).
Thanks for all the good advice! I should have practiced welding more before starting this!