Mopar Nationals


Active Member
Nov 3, 2016
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I have never attended the Mopar Nationals but considering it this year. Where is a good hotel to stay at, something nice but not too pricey? What events are recommended? Any other helpful ideas appreciated. I would be coming from Wisconsin.
If you've never been there, you have to experience it. One of FEW remaining all Chrysler shows. I would stay near Heath Ohio, if you can find a room. I would NOT stay on Brice road. Gotten kinda rough.
I'll try to give further insight, because Carlisle, and the Mopar Nats are shows to attend, but have different personalities. Carlisle is very well organized, structured, laid out, and a great show. Mopar nats not very organized as for as car parking etc, and commonly referred to as the "GOLF CART Nationals." Basically an open field, pick your spot. But, it offers drag racing, if you're into that. Both shows draw lots of cars. Both shows will have night time cruises. (my favorite part actually). Both shows will have special cars, displays, tributes. I attend the Nats in Columbus more often, simply because it is 3 hr drive, versus Carlisle, 8 hrs. But I would recommend attending, just because it's 2000+ mopars in one area.....carry on
New Albany has 3 new hotels in a row. Price is about normal for that weekend. Track is not too far away, and neighborhood is "normal". There is a Marriott, Hampton inn, and another one that the name escapes me.
Carlisle is a better show and swap, Nats has racing. There are cruise's if you want to go sit in your car more, lot of idling in traffic. Then every ******* in a 30' section wants a burnout from you and you just did one 50' earlier.
A backup tire plan is not a horrible idea.
I haven't gone to the Nats since 2009, and I don't know if I'll go back. Maybe if I make the trifecta like Dave mentioned. Last time I went, Brice Road was dead, Heath was a parking lot, the judged show field only had a handful of cars, and the fun wasn't there. I guess the person I was with didn't help the situation. The swap meet was okay, but a lot of overpriced items.

But I do think you should go once to experience it. There is plenty of cars in the display field, drag races are always fun to watch, and now, I'd probably be meeting members off the F_BO sites, which makes any event better. I've never had a car there, so it would be something to cross off the list of shows to make.

I still have a Mopar Nationals tattoo, so I can't say I hate it. I probably would have a different attitude towards the show now vs 2009.
A bad day at the Nats is still better than a good day at work.:lol:
From what I'm learning, I may be better suited for a run to Carlisle, long drive.
carlisle has no night life

Make your own. Ive never understood that statement. After dinner , a shower and a walk around the parking lot Im pooped. It is usually around 9pm by then. Of course, if you go for a ride with others you could end up having a late dinner and leaving the lot at 10pm.
14 hours on the show field, who wants a night life?
@JPMODL — I hope to drive one or two fusies with @71Polara383 and others from Illinois to Carlisle. Illinois is on your way. Whether you’re trailering or driving, or even just want to hop aboard one of my cars and take turns driving with me, it’d be great if you would join!