Progress and Regress, life lessons from early 2021.
It pays to keep notes. You can't hone your skill of staying focused inside of chaos and distractions, unless you have sufficeint chaos and distraction at hand.
Therefore, we must always replenish the well.
This month the well looks more like a geyser.
47 days in, two of the four additional projects have been hauled in. Assuring that existing projects do not continue without challenge.
In a comibnation of tunnel vision,and senility,
I struggled to get the choke on the Fury to function correctly. Endless fiddlery with the linkage had me convinced that something was awry with the linkage geometry. After taking a couple pictures of
Drivers side I retired to search for images to compare and ordered up a rebuild kit.
What do you find when searching for choke linkage? Well fist you have the piece coming out of the choke stove. Son of a ***** the choke stove. I have been spoiled with electric chokes for several years. Return to the car. Stove linkage fell out and is laying on manifold. Pop it back in, car starts like new in the cold. Choke works perfect. Starter drags terribly. Runs fine probably don't need the kit. Oh well its already ordered. I got my new master cylinder and one brake hose the other is on back order. But while I'm on brakes I may as well put pads on the 300. This was proving to be futile. After multiple attempts the pads will not go in. In sheer desperation I compare the profile to the old pads. What the hell could be the difference? Well....
You see that little difference in profile? There is the issue.