My dad's 28 chev


plan C
Apr 29, 2018
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North of the action
I will start with the mopar component. The unit has seats from a dodge neon.
My dad was born in 1926 learned to drive a 27 chev car.
In 70s and early 80s he hauled around a dozen on 27 28 and 29 chevys in to the yard. Being wood framed bodies these cars all had one thing in common the wood was rotten. So they got set on railway ties out in the pasture. Dad didn't have the time to attack the wood working challenge.
One of the cars ran real good. Dad poured the engine full of oil and wrapped it with old canvas tarp. It sat this way till aprox 2012.
In late 90s dad sold all but 4 of the junker chevs. Parts cars.
So in or around 2012 dsd (who is now mid 80s in age) was with me at a buddies place. This guy had a old model t bucket body he drug out of a slough sitting in his shop. He had a frame and blown 350 engine. He said he sat and looked at for a week deciding what direction to go.
So few days later I see my dad has slid the 28 chev home. The one with the engine that ran half a lifetime ago. I ask him what the plan is. He replied "going to sit and look at it for a few days and decide what direction I want to go" I still grin when I think of this.
Dad unwraps the engine and it turns free.
So after a few days he asks me what I think about making it into a truck. He runs his design plans past me and I am on board.
I checked the spark and with a little gas the engine fired up like it ran yesterday.
It's a long story about all the little issues that needed to be delt with but this car/truck was on the road in 3 months.
In manitoba you can register a vehicle as "vintage". It don't require a saftey inspection. You get registration cert
But no insurance. Rules state it's for "parades and shows" and "driving to and from parades and shows" and "any driving required to keep the vehicle in condition for parades and shows" So it's a little bit grey. You carry tools were ever you go.
Dad still had a valid driver's license and toured the back roads for several years. You want to see a old guy look like a teen age kid.
This car/truck has original powertrain. Relined the brake shoes. If you look close it has a badge on rear fender that says "four wheel brakes"
Rattle can grey primer on fenders and running boards. Red on the rest.


That story is too cool!

As soon as I saw the reference to a slough, I had to check your profile to see what part of Western Canada you were from. Lol When I moved out there in 78 I had no idea what they were talking about.


Slough maybe for clarification it's a kinda a pond. Usually cows drink out of them. unwanted junk gets thrown in the slough.
Also around here any trees are referred to as a "bush" I sometimes get funny looks when I talk about trees.
Dad was hands on with this project. Trans was full of goo and everything stuck. Took him quite a while to get things turning and sliding.
The rattle cans served a dual purpose. Dad used the caps for his hub covers.